Dividend Forecasting
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The Dividend Forecasting dataset, originated from IHS Markit, contains independent dividend amount and date estimates for 28,000+ global stocks, ETFs and ADRs up to five years in the future.
A global team of 40 dividend analysts deliver precise forecasts of the size and timing of payments based on bottom-up fundamental research, the latest company news and insight from a proprietary advanced analytics model. Investment banks, hedge funds, quants and asset managers utilize these forecasts to confidently price derivatives, enhance their investment strategies and better understand dividend risk.
This dataset includes:
- Daily updates to forecasts that reflect the latest policy changes, company data and earnings releases
- Forecasts for up to 28,000+ stocks, including equity and fixed income ETFs and ADRs
- Precise forecasts for each dividend amount, ex-date, record and pay dates and supporting fields generated by trusted methodology
- Point-in-time forecasts for each dividend amount, ex-date, record date and pay dates
- Specialist commentary to help you discover trends and understand risk
- History going back to 2010
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- Primary Entity TypeSecurity
- Coverage Count28,000
- Geographic CoverageGlobal
- Industry CoverageFinancials
- History Initiated2010
- Earliest Significant Coverage2010
- Point In TimeYes
- Data SourceIHS Markit
- Field Count10s
- Delivery ChannelAPI, Cloud, Feed
- Delivery PlatformAPI, Eclipse Web Portal, FTP, Marketplace Workbench, Snowflake, Xpressfeed™
- Reporting FrequencyDaily
- Dataset LatencyDaily
- Dataset Size (GB)34