Enhanced on 10/09/2024
CDS Pricing
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The CDS Pricing dataset, originated from IHS Markit, provides independent pricing and liquidity metrics on CDS single names, indices, tranches, options and sector curves, the most extensive source of Credit Default Swap data available in the market.
CDS pricing is widely used for price discovery, valuations, risk management, compliance, production of research signals, investment factors, and research requirements with independent pricing and liquidity metrics. The dataset frequency includes live, intraday, same-day and end-of-day price updates, driven by data points sourced from market makers in the form of official books of record, live quotes, and clearing submissions.
This dataset includes:
- Streaming, daily, and end of day prices
- Full global coverage: 6000+ CDS entities, and 400+ credit indices
- Liquidity and sensitivity metrics
- History back to 2001
Vendor information
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- Primary Entity TypeOther
- Geographic CoverageGlobal
- Industry CoverageConsumer, Energy and Utilities, Financials, Healthcare, Industrials, Materials, Real Estate, Technology, Media & Telecommunications
- History Initiated2001
- Earliest Significant Coverage2001
- Point In TimeYes
- Data SourceDealer runs, clearing submission, books of records
- Field Count100s
- Delivery ChannelAPI, Cloud, Feed
- Delivery PlatformAPI, FTP, Snowflake
- Reporting FrequencyDaily
- Dataset LatencyDaily
- Dataset Size (GB)36