(!!spgVariables.IS_CRAWLER_REQUEST || isInitiallyExpanded);\r\n\r\n const getChangedValue = () => {\r\n if (onChange) {\r\n onChange(!expanded);\r\n }\r\n setExpanded(expandable && !expanded);\r\n return !expanded;\r\n };\r\n\r\n return (\r\n \r\n \r\n ) : (\r\n \r\n ))\r\n }\r\n >\r\n {title}
\r\n \r\n\r\n {children}\r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\n","function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\nimport React from \"react\";\nvar _ref2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"mask\", {\n id: \"path-1-inside-1\",\n fill: \"white\"\n}, React.createElement(\"path\", {\n fillRule: \"evenodd\",\n clipRule: \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M5 5C5 3.34315 6.34315 2 8 2C9.65685 2 11 3.34315 11 5H5ZM3 5C3 2.23858 5.23858 0 8 0C10.7614 0 13 2.23858 13 5H14H16V7V16V18H14H2H0V16V7V5H2H3ZM2 16V7H14V16H2Z\"\n}));\nvar _ref3 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n d: \"M5 5H4V6H5V5ZM11 5V6H12V5H11ZM3 5V6H4V5H3ZM13 5H12V6H13V5ZM16 5H17V4H16V5ZM16 18V19H17V18H16ZM0 18H-1V19H0V18ZM0 5V4H-1V5H0ZM2 7V6H1V7H2ZM2 16H1V17H2V16ZM14 7H15V6H14V7ZM14 16V17H15V16H14ZM8 1C5.79086 1 4 2.79086 4 5H6C6 3.89543 6.89543 3 8 3V1ZM12 5C12 2.79086 10.2091 1 8 1V3C9.10457 3 10 3.89543 10 5H12ZM11 4H5V6H11V4ZM4 5C4 2.79086 5.79086 1 8 1V-1C4.68629 -1 2 1.68629 2 5H4ZM8 1C10.2091 1 12 2.79086 12 5H14C14 1.68629 11.3137 -1 8 -1V1ZM14 4H13V6H14V4ZM16 4H14V6H16V4ZM17 7V5H15V7H17ZM17 16V7H15V16H17ZM17 18V16H15V18H17ZM14 19H16V17H14V19ZM2 19H14V17H2V19ZM0 19H2V17H0V19ZM-1 16V18H1V16H-1ZM-1 7V16H1V7H-1ZM-1 5V7H1V5H-1ZM2 4H0V6H2V4ZM3 4H2V6H3V4ZM1 7V16H3V7H1ZM14 6H2V8H14V6ZM15 16V7H13V16H15ZM2 17H14V15H2V17Z\",\n fill: \"currentColor\",\n mask: \"url(#path-1-inside-1)\"\n});\nvar SvgLock = function SvgLock(_ref) {\n var svgRef = _ref.svgRef,\n props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, [\"svgRef\"]);\n return React.createElement(\"svg\", _extends({\n width: 16,\n height: 18,\n viewBox: \"0 0 16 18\",\n fill: \"none\",\n ref: svgRef\n }, props), _ref2, _ref3);\n};\nvar ForwardRef = React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) {\n return React.createElement(SvgLock, _extends({\n svgRef: ref\n }, props));\n});\nexport default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/lock.d092bb55.svg\";\nexport { ForwardRef as ReactComponent };","function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { key = _toPropertyKey(key); if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res = prim.call(input, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\nimport React from \"react\";\nvar _ref3 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n d: \"M18 24l-6-5.269-6 5.269v-24h12v24z\"\n});\nvar SvgBookmark = function SvgBookmark(_ref) {\n var svgRef = _ref.svgRef,\n props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, [\"svgRef\"]);\n return React.createElement(\"svg\", _extends({\n width: \"56px\",\n height: \"56px\",\n viewBox: \"5 -1 12 26\",\n style: _defineProperty({\n fill: \"transparent\"\n }, \"fill\", \"re\"),\n ref: svgRef\n }, props), _ref3);\n};\nvar ForwardRef = React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) {\n return React.createElement(SvgBookmark, _extends({\n svgRef: ref\n }, props));\n});\nexport default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/bookmark.d26d5eca.svg\";\nexport { ForwardRef as ReactComponent };","import { getText, encode } from '../helpers';\r\n\r\nconst text = getText('pages.dataVendor');\r\nconst ratText = getText('pages.requestTrial');\r\nconst coalText = getText('pages.requestTrial');\r\n\r\nfunction constructVendorEmail(formData: DataVendorState) {\r\n let regionData = '';\r\n text.region.options.forEach((element: AnonymousObject) => {\r\n if (formData.region[element.id]) {\r\n regionData += `${element.text}`;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n const data = `\r\n ${text.vendorName.text}:
\r\n ${text.contactName.text}:
\r\n ${text.phone.text}:
\r\n ${text.email.text}:
\r\n ${text.productDescription.title}
\r\n ${text.dataCollection.title}
\r\n ${text.dataHistory.title}
\r\n ${text.pointInTime.title}
\r\n ${text.frequency.title}
\r\n ${text.numOfCompanies.title}
\r\n \r\n ${text.linkages.title}
\r\n ${text.useCases.title}
\r\n ${text.competitors.title}
\r\n `;\r\n\r\n const emailBody = text.emailTemplate.replace('@@DATA', data);\r\n return encode(emailBody);\r\n}\r\n\r\n// function constructRATEmail(productName: string, formData: RequestATrialState) {\r\n// const data = `\r\n// ${ratText.firstName.text}: ${formData.FirstName}
\r\n// ${ratText.lastName.text}: ${formData.LastName}
\r\n// ${ratText.phone.text}: ${formData.Phone}
\r\n// ${ratText.email.text}: ${formData.Email}
\r\n// ${ratText.city.text}: ${formData.City}
\r\n// ${ratText.country.text}: ${formData.Country}
\r\n// ${ratText.postalCode.text}: ${formData.PostalCode}
\r\n// ${ratText.companyName.text}: ${formData.Company}
\r\n// ${ratText.companyType.text}: ${formData.CompanyType}
\r\n// ${ratText.jobFunction.text}: ${formData.JobFunction}
\r\n// ${formData.State ? `${ratText.companyState.text}: ${formData.State}
` : ''}\r\n// ${ratText.tellUsSectionTitle}: ${formData.OtherInterest}
\r\n// ${ratText.interestSectionTitle}: ${productName}
\r\n// ${formData.HasUserConsent ? `${ratText.subscription.text}
` : ''}\r\n// `;\r\n\r\n// let emailBody = ratText.emailTemplate.replace('@@DATA', data);\r\n// emailBody = emailBody.replace('{productName}', productName);\r\n\r\n// return encode(emailBody);\r\n// }\r\nfunction constructRATEmail(productName: string, formData: RequestATrialState) {\r\n\r\n const data = `\r\n ${ratText.firstName.text}: ${formData.FirstName}
\r\n ${ratText.lastName.text}: ${formData.LastName}
\r\n ${ratText.phone.text}: ${formData.Phone}
\r\n ${ratText.email.text}: ${formData.Email}
\r\n ${ratText.city.text}: ${formData.City}
\r\n ${ratText.country.text}: ${formData.Country}
\r\n ${formData.PostalCode ? `${ratText.postalCode.text}: ${formData.PostalCode}
` : ''}\r\n ${ratText.companyName.text}: ${formData.Company}
\r\n ${ratText.companyType.text}: ${formData.CompanyType}
\r\n ${ratText.jobFunction.text}: ${formData.JobFunction}
\r\n ${formData.State ? `${ratText.companyState.text}: ${formData.State}
` : ''}\r\n ${formData.CompanyCountry ? `${ratText.companyCountry.text}: ${formData.CompanyCountry}
` : ''}\r\n ${ratText.tellUsSectionTitle}: ${formData.OtherInterest}
\r\n ${ratText.interestSectionTitle}: ${formData.InterestArea}
\r\n ${formData.HasUserConsent ? `${ratText.subscription.text}
` : ''}\r\n `;\r\n\r\n let emailBody = ratText.emailTemplate.replace('@@DATA', data);\r\n emailBody = emailBody.replace('{productName}', productName);\r\n\r\n return encode(emailBody);\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction constructCoalitionRATEmail(productName: string, formData: RequestATrialState) {\r\n const data = `\r\n ${coalText.firstName.text}: ${formData.FirstName}
\r\n ${coalText.lastName.text}: ${formData.LastName}
\r\n ${coalText.phone.text}: ${formData.Phone}
\r\n ${coalText.email.text}: ${formData.Email}
\r\n ${coalText.city.text}: ${formData.City}
\r\n ${coalText.companyName.text}: ${formData.Company}
\r\n ${coalText.companyType.text}: ${formData.CompanyType}
\r\n ${coalText.country.text}: ${formData.Country}
\r\n ${coalText.jobFunction.text}: ${formData.JobFunction}
\r\n ${coalText.tellUsSectionTitle}: ${formData.OtherInterest}
\r\n ${coalText.interestSectionTitle}: ${formData.InterestArea}
\r\n ${formData.HasUserConsent ? `${ratText.subscription.text}
` : ''}\r\n `;\r\n\r\n let emailBody = coalText.emailTemplate.replace('@@DATA', data);\r\n emailBody = emailBody.replace('{productName}', productName);\r\n\r\n return encode(emailBody);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport { constructVendorEmail as default, constructRATEmail, constructCoalitionRATEmail };\r\n","function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\nimport React from \"react\";\nvar _ref2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"defs\", null, React.createElement(\"style\", null, \"\\r\\n .cls-1 {\\r\\n fill: #00b3e2;\\r\\n stroke-width: 0px;\\r\\n }\\r\\n \"));\nvar _ref3 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n className: \"cls-1\",\n d: \"M50,25.4c0,4.03-1.01,8.07-2.82,11.49,0,.2-.2.2-.2.4l-1.81-1.01c0-.2.2-.2.2-.4,1.61-3.23,2.42-6.65,2.42-10.49,0-5.44-1.81-10.49-5.04-14.52l-3.02,2.42c0-.2-.2-.2-.2-.4-3.23-3.83-7.86-6.45-13.31-6.65l-.4,4.84h-1.01c-7.86,0-14.11,6.45-14.11,14.11s6.45,14.11,14.11,14.11c4.64,0,8.87-2.22,11.49-5.85,0-.2.2-.2.2-.4l4.03,2.82,3.23,2.22,1.61,1.21c0,.2-.2.2-.2.4-4.64,6.25-11.9,10.28-20.16,10.28-13.71,0-25-11.29-25-25S11.29,0,25,0h1.81c7.06.4,13.1,3.83,17.34,8.87,0,.,3.63,4.64,5.65,10.08,5.65,16.13Z\"\n});\nvar SvgKensho = function SvgKensho(_ref) {\n var svgRef = _ref.svgRef,\n props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, [\"svgRef\"]);\n return React.createElement(\"svg\", _extends({\n id: \"Layer_1\",\n width: 50,\n height: 50,\n fill: \"none\",\n \"data-name\": \"Layer 1\",\n viewBox: \"0 0 50 50\",\n ref: svgRef\n }, props), _ref2, _ref3);\n};\nvar ForwardRef = React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) {\n return React.createElement(SvgKensho, _extends({\n svgRef: ref\n }, props));\n});\nexport default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/kensho.f94a8440.svg\";\nexport { ForwardRef as ReactComponent };","import React from 'react';\r\nimport Store from '../../../redux/store';\r\nimport { get, getConfig } from '../../../helpers';\r\nimport { getDefaultformFields, submitToMarketo } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\n\r\nfunction getMarketoAPIVariant(variant: string): string {\r\n return getConfig(`components.request-a-trial.marketoAPIVariant.${variant}`, 'DatasetRAT') as string;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getDefaultSubmissionBody(\r\n data: RequestATrialState\r\n) {\r\n const ratAPIRequest: RATRequest = {\r\n cInterestOther: data.OtherInterest,\r\n cInterestOtherLive: data.OtherInterest,\r\n city: data.City,\r\n company: data.Company,\r\n companyType1c: data.CompanyType as string,\r\n complianceCountry: data.Country as string,\r\n email: data.Email,\r\n firstName: data.FirstName,\r\n gDPRConsentQuestion: String(data.HasUserConsent),\r\n jobFunction1c: data.JobFunction as string,\r\n lastName: data.LastName,\r\n phone: data.Phone,\r\n spProductServiceInterestDetailsc: data.OtherInterest,\r\n spProductServiceInterestsc: data.InterestArea,\r\n state: data.State ? String(data.State) : ''\r\n } as RATRequest;\r\n if (data.MasterTrialAgreement) {\r\n ratAPIRequest.masterTrialAgreementActionMostRecent = data.MasterTrialAgreement;\r\n ratAPIRequest.masterTrialAgreementActionTimeStampMostRecent = new Date().toJSON();\r\n }\r\n return ratAPIRequest;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialDefault(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', marketMSADataLink, dataFilePath, marketplaceMSATooltip, productVariant, variant, titleText, keyPageIdPageText, ratVariant } = props;\r\n const onSubmit = (\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n cb: () => void,\r\n error: (error: string) => void\r\n ) => {\r\n const utmParameters: UTMParameters = get(Store.getState(), 'shared.utmParameters', {});\r\n const kenshotext = data.InterestArea ? 'Kensho; ' : 'Kensho';\r\n let notapplicableText = data.InterestArea ? '' : 'Data Management Solutions';\r\n if (productVariant === 'solution') notapplicableText = productName;\r\n data.InterestArea = `${variant === 'kensho' ? kenshotext : notapplicableText}${data.InterestArea || ''}`;\r\n data.OtherInterest = productName ? `${productName} : ${data.OtherInterest}` : data.OtherInterest;\r\n data.InterestArea = data.InterestArea\r\n ? data.InterestArea.replace(/,/g, ';')\r\n : '';\r\n let requestBody = getDefaultSubmissionBody(data);\r\n requestBody = {\r\n ...requestBody,\r\n utmSource: utmParameters.utmSource,\r\n utmMedium: utmParameters.utmMedium,\r\n utmCampaign: utmParameters.utmCampaign,\r\n utmTerm: utmParameters.utmTerm,\r\n utmContent: utmParameters.utmContent,\r\n variant: getMarketoAPIVariant(variant || '')\r\n };\r\n submitToMarketo(requestBody, cb, error);\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestTrialDefault);\r\n","import React from 'react';\r\nimport { getPlattsformFields, submitToMarketo } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\n\r\nconst getPlattsSubmissionBody = (\r\n productName: string,\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n) => {\r\n const body: RATPlattsRequest = {\r\n city: data.City,\r\n company: data.Company,\r\n marketoIndustry: data.CompanyType as string,\r\n country: data.CompanyCountry as string,\r\n nationality: data.Country as string,\r\n email: data.Email,\r\n firstName: data.FirstName,\r\n title: data.JobFunction as string,\r\n lastName: data.LastName,\r\n phone: data.Phone,\r\n productInterestc: productName,\r\n mktoPersonNotes: data.OtherInterest,\r\n state: String(data.CompanyState || ''),\r\n postalCode: data.PostalCode,\r\n optIn: data.HasUserConsent ? 'yes' : '',\r\n variant: 'Platts'\r\n };\r\n return body;\r\n};\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialPlatts(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', productVariant, titleText, ratVariant } = props;\r\n const onSubmit = (\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n cb: () => void,\r\n error: (error: string) => void\r\n ) => {\r\n const requestBody = getPlattsSubmissionBody(productName, data);\r\n submitToMarketo(requestBody, cb, error);\r\n\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestTrialPlatts);\r\n","import React from 'react';\r\nimport { getIndicesformFields } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\nimport SPGVariables from '../../../utilities/spg-variables';\r\nimport APIManager from '../../../utilities/api-manager';\r\nimport { constructRATEmail } from '../../../utilities/construct-email';\r\nimport { getText } from '../../../helpers';\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\n\r\nconst formText = getText('pages.requestTrial');\r\nconst spgVariables = SPGVariables();\r\nfunction getMailingList(variant: string): string {\r\n if (variant === 'index') {\r\n return spgVariables.INDEXRATEMAILLIST;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'ratings') {\r\n return spgVariables.RATINGSRATEMAILLIST;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'spglobal') {\r\n return spgVariables.SPGLOBALRATEMAILLIST;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'coalition') {\r\n return spgVariables.COALITIONEMAILLIST;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'mobility') {\r\n return spgVariables.MOBILITYEMAILLIST;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return '';\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst emailStatusCallback = (hasRequestSuccess: boolean, successCallback: () => void, error: (error: string) => void) => {\r\n if (hasRequestSuccess) {\r\n successCallback();\r\n } else {\r\n error('Marketo request failed');\r\n }\r\n};\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialEmail(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', productVariant, variant = '', titleText, ratVariant } = props;\r\n const onSubmit = (data: RequestATrialState, cb: () => void, error: (error: string) => void) => {\r\n APIManager.sendEmail(\r\n constructRATEmail(productName, data),\r\n formText.emailSubject.replace('{productName}', productName),\r\n getMailingList(variant),\r\n (isSuccess: boolean) => {\r\n emailStatusCallback(isSuccess, cb, error);\r\n }\r\n );\r\n };\r\n return ;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestTrialEmail);\r\n","import React from 'react';\r\nimport { getCrisilformFields } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\nimport APIManager from '../../../utilities/api-manager';\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\n\r\nconst getCrisilSubmissionBody = (\r\n productName: string,\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n) => {\r\n const body: RATCrisilRequest = {\r\n formid: 'marketplaceapi',\r\n 'first-name': data.FirstName,\r\n 'last-name': data.LastName,\r\n country: data.Country as string,\r\n state: data.State as string,\r\n city: data.City,\r\n email: data.Email,\r\n 'mobile-number': data.Phone,\r\n comname: data.Company,\r\n comtype: data.CompanyType as string,\r\n job: data.JobFunction as string,\r\n productname: productName,\r\n comments: data.OtherInterest\r\n };\r\n return body;\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst submitForm = (\r\n requestBody: RATCrisilRequest,\r\n cb: () => void,\r\n error: (error: string) => void\r\n) => {\r\n\r\n APIManager.submitLeadToCrisil(requestBody).then(response => {\r\n if (response.data) {\r\n cb();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n error('Marketo request failed');\r\n }).catch(() => error('Marketo request failed'));\r\n};\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialCrisil(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', productVariant, titleText, ratVariant } = props;\r\n const onSubmit = (\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n cb: () => void,\r\n error: (error: string) => void\r\n ) => {\r\n const requestBody = getCrisilSubmissionBody(productName, data);\r\n submitForm(requestBody, cb, error);\r\n\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestTrialCrisil);\r\n","import React from 'react';\r\nimport { useSelector } from 'react-redux';\r\nimport { getDefaultformFields } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\nimport { countryList, optInList } from '../files/marketo-data';\r\nimport { get, getText } from '../../../helpers';\r\nimport APIManager from '../../../utilities/api-manager';\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\nconst formText = getText('pages.requestTrial');\r\nconst getSubmissionBody = (\r\n productName: string,\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n) => {\r\n const body: RATIHSMarkitRequest = {\r\n FirstName: data.FirstName,\r\n LastName: data.LastName,\r\n Country: data.Country as string,\r\n State: data.State as string,\r\n City: data.City,\r\n PostalCode: data.PostalCode,\r\n Email: data.Email,\r\n Phone: data.Phone,\r\n Company: data.Company,\r\n CompanyType: data.CompanyType as string,\r\n JobFunction: data.JobFunction as string,\r\n FormTitle: productName,\r\n SourceUrl: window.location.href,\r\n Comments: data.OtherInterest,\r\n OptInSelection: data.HasUserConsent ? 'on' : '',\r\n OptIn: optInList.includes(data.Country as string) ? '1' : '0',\r\n AreaofInterest: `${formText.interestSectionTitle}: ${data.InterestArea.replace(',', '|')}`,\r\n UTMParams: ''\r\n };\r\n return body;\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst getUTMParamString = (utmParameters: UTMParameters) => {\r\n let utmString = '';\r\n if (utmParameters.utmSource) {\r\n utmString = `${utmString}utm_source=${utmParameters.utmSource}&`;\r\n }\r\n if (utmParameters.utmMedium) {\r\n utmString = `${utmString}utm_medium=${utmParameters.utmMedium}&`;\r\n }\r\n if (utmParameters.utmCampaign) {\r\n utmString = `${utmString}utm_campaign=${utmParameters.utmCampaign}&`;\r\n }\r\n if (utmParameters.utmTerm) {\r\n utmString = `${utmString}utm_term=${utmParameters.utmTerm}&`;\r\n }\r\n if (utmParameters.utmContent) {\r\n utmString = `${utmString}utm_content=${utmParameters.utmContent}&`;\r\n }\r\n if (utmString.length > 0) utmString = utmString.substring(0, utmString.length - 1);\r\n return utmString;\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst submitForm = (\r\n requestBody: RATIHSMarkitRequest,\r\n cb: () => void,\r\n error: (error: string) => void\r\n) => {\r\n\r\n APIManager.submitLeadToEloqua(requestBody).then(response => {\r\n if (response.data) {\r\n cb();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n error('Eloqua request failed');\r\n }).catch(() => error('Eloqua request failed'));\r\n};\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialIHSMarkit(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', productVariant, titleText, ratVariant } = props;\r\n const { isLoggedIn } = useSelector((state: RootStoreState) => get(state, 'user'));\r\n const { countries } = useSelector((state: RootStoreState) => get(state, 'filters'));\r\n const { utmParameters } = useSelector((state: RootStoreState) => get(state, 'shared'));\r\n\r\n const getCoutries = () => {\r\n if (isLoggedIn) {\r\n return countries\r\n ? (countries.map((country: Country) => {\r\n return { text: country.CountryShortName, id: country.KeyCountry };\r\n }) as StringNumberIDObject[])\r\n : [];\r\n }\r\n return countryList as StringNumberIDObject[];\r\n };\r\n const getCountryCodeByName = (countryName: string) => {\r\n const country = getCoutries().find((item: StringNumberIDObject) => {\r\n return item.text === countryName;\r\n });\r\n return country ? country.value || country.id.toString() : '';\r\n };\r\n\r\n const onSubmit = (\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n cb: () => void,\r\n error: (error: string) => void\r\n ) => {\r\n const requestBody = getSubmissionBody(productName, data);\r\n requestBody.Country = getCountryCodeByName(requestBody.Country);\r\n requestBody.UTMParams = getUTMParamString(utmParameters);\r\n requestBody.AreaofInterest = `${requestBody.AreaofInterest} UTMparameters:{${requestBody.UTMParams}}`;\r\n submitForm(requestBody, cb, error);\r\n };\r\n const defaultFormTextFields = getDefaultformFields();\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestTrialIHSMarkit);\r\n","import React from 'react';\r\nimport Store from '../../../redux/store';\r\nimport { get, getConfig } from '../../../helpers';\r\nimport { getCommuniqueformFields, submitToMarketo } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\n\r\nfunction getMarketoAPIVariant(variant: string): string {\r\n return getConfig(`components.request-a-trial.marketoAPIVariant.${variant}`, 'Communique') as string;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getCommuniqueSubmissionBody(\r\n data: RequestATrialState\r\n) {\r\n const communiqueAPIRequest: RATCommuniqueBaseRequest = {\r\n company: data.Company,\r\n email: data.Email,\r\n firstName: data.FirstName,\r\n lastName: data.LastName,\r\n state: data.State ? String(data.State) : '',\r\n cInterestOther: data.OtherInterest,\r\n cInterestOtherLive: data.OtherInterest,\r\n complianceCountry: data.Country as string,\r\n gDPRConsentQuestion: String(data.HasUserConsent),\r\n } as RATCommuniqueBaseRequest;\r\n return communiqueAPIRequest;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialCommunique(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', marketMSADataLink, dataFilePath, productVariant, variant, titleText, keyPageIdPageText, ratVariant } = props;\r\n const onSubmit = (\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n cb: () => void,\r\n error: (error: string) => void\r\n ) => {\r\n const utmParameters: UTMParameters = get(Store.getState(), 'shared.utmParameters', {});\r\n let notapplicableText = data.InterestArea ? '' : 'Data Management Solutions';\r\n if (productVariant === 'solution') notapplicableText = productName;\r\n data.InterestArea = `${notapplicableText}`;\r\n data.OtherInterest = `${notapplicableText}`;\r\n let requestBody = getCommuniqueSubmissionBody(data);\r\n requestBody = {\r\n ...requestBody,\r\n utmSource: utmParameters.utmSource,\r\n utmMedium: utmParameters.utmMedium,\r\n utmCampaign: utmParameters.utmCampaign,\r\n utmTerm: utmParameters.utmTerm,\r\n utmContent: utmParameters.utmContent,\r\n variant: getMarketoAPIVariant(variant || '')\r\n };\r\n submitToMarketo(requestBody, cb, error);\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestTrialCommunique);\r\n","import React from 'react';\r\nimport Store from '../../../redux/store';\r\nimport { get, getConfig } from '../../../helpers';\r\nimport { getDefaultformFields, submitToMarketo } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\n\r\nfunction getMarketoAPIVariant(variant: string): string {\r\n return getConfig(`components.request-a-trial.marketoAPIVariant.${variant}`, 'SolutionRAT') as string;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getLeadVariant(temp: string): string {\r\n const tempArray = temp.split(',');\r\n const plattsAreas = ['Energy and Utilities', 'Materials', 'Industrials'];\r\n const marketoAreas = ['Financials', 'Real Estate', 'Healthcare', 'Consumer', 'Technology', 'Media and Telecommunications'];\r\n const checkPlatts = tempArray.filter(item => plattsAreas.includes(item));\r\n const checkMarketo = tempArray.filter(item => marketoAreas.includes(item));\r\n let tempVariant = 'Marketo';\r\n\r\n if (checkPlatts.length > 0 && checkMarketo.length === 0) {\r\n tempVariant = 'Platts';\r\n }\r\n return tempVariant;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getSubmissionBody(\r\n data: RequestATrialState\r\n) {\r\n const switchAPIRequest: RATRequest = {\r\n firstName: data.FirstName,\r\n lastName: data.LastName,\r\n company: data.Company,\r\n companyType1c: data.CompanyType as string,\r\n email: data.Email,\r\n phone: data.Phone,\r\n city: data.City,\r\n complianceCountry: data.Country as string,\r\n jobFunction1c: data.JobFunction as string,\r\n cInterestOther: data.OtherInterest,\r\n cInterestOtherLive: data.OtherInterest,\r\n state: data.State ? String(data.State) : '',\r\n spProductServiceInterestDetailsc: data.OtherInterest,\r\n spProductServiceInterestsc: data.InterestArea,\r\n gDPRConsentQuestion: String(data.HasUserConsent)\r\n } as RATRequest;\r\n\r\n if (data.MasterTrialAgreement) {\r\n switchAPIRequest.masterTrialAgreementActionMostRecent = data.MasterTrialAgreement;\r\n switchAPIRequest.masterTrialAgreementActionTimeStampMostRecent = new Date().toJSON();\r\n }\r\n return switchAPIRequest;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst getPlattsSubmissionBody = (\r\n productName: string,\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n) => {\r\n const body: RATPlattsRequest = {\r\n city: data.City,\r\n company: data.Company,\r\n marketoIndustry: data.CompanyType as string,\r\n country: data.CompanyCountry as string,\r\n nationality: data.Country as string,\r\n email: data.Email,\r\n firstName: data.FirstName,\r\n title: data.JobFunction as string,\r\n lastName: data.LastName,\r\n phone: data.Phone,\r\n productInterestc: productName,\r\n mktoPersonNotes: data.OtherInterest,\r\n state: String(data.CompanyState || ''),\r\n postalCode: data.PostalCode,\r\n optIn: data.HasUserConsent ? 'yes' : '',\r\n variant: 'Platts',\r\n };\r\n return body;\r\n};\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialSwitch(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', marketMSADataLink, dataFilePath, productVariant, variant, titleText, keyPageIdPageText, ratVariant, marketplaceMSATooltip } = props;\r\n const switchFormFields = {\r\n ...getDefaultformFields(),\r\n InterestArea: {\r\n name: 'InterestArea', text: '', validationType: 'defaultRequired'\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n const onSubmit = (\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n cb: () => void,\r\n error: (error: string) => void\r\n ) => {\r\n const utmParameters: UTMParameters = get(Store.getState(), 'shared.utmParameters', {});\r\n let notapplicableText = data.InterestArea ? '' : 'Data Management Solutions';\r\n if (productVariant === 'solution') notapplicableText = productName;\r\n data.OtherInterest = `${notapplicableText}`;\r\n let requestBody;\r\n if (data.InterestArea && getLeadVariant(data.InterestArea) === 'Platts') {\r\n requestBody = getPlattsSubmissionBody(productName, data);\r\n submitToMarketo(requestBody, cb, error);\r\n } else {\r\n requestBody = getSubmissionBody(data);\r\n requestBody = {\r\n ...requestBody,\r\n utmSource: utmParameters.utmSource,\r\n utmMedium: utmParameters.utmMedium,\r\n utmCampaign: utmParameters.utmCampaign,\r\n utmTerm: utmParameters.utmTerm,\r\n utmContent: utmParameters.utmContent,\r\n variant: getMarketoAPIVariant(variant || '')\r\n };\r\n submitToMarketo(requestBody, cb, error);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestTrialSwitch);\r\n","import React from 'react';\r\nimport { getConfig } from '../../../helpers';\r\nimport { getVisualizationformFields, submitToMarketo } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\n\r\nfunction getMarketoAPIVariant(variant: string): string {\r\n return getConfig(`components.request-a-trial.marketoAPIVariant.${variant}`, 'Visualization') as string;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getDefaultSubmissionBody(\r\n data: RequestATrialState\r\n) {\r\n const ratAPIRequest: RATVisualizationRequest = {\r\n firstName: data.FirstName,\r\n lastName: data.LastName,\r\n email: data.Email,\r\n phone: data.Phone,\r\n city: data.City,\r\n state: data.State ? String(data.State) : '',\r\n country: data.Country as string,\r\n company: data.Company,\r\n companyType1c: data.CompanyType as string,\r\n jobFunction1c: data.JobFunction as string,\r\n marketplaceVisualizationType: data.InterestOption,\r\n marketplaceBITool: data.PreferredBITools,\r\n marketplaceDatasetFollowup: data.RequestMoreInfo,\r\n spProductServiceInterestDetailsc: data.OtherInterest\r\n } as RATVisualizationRequest;\r\n return ratAPIRequest;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialVisualization(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', marketMSADataLink, dataFilePath, marketplaceMSATooltip, productVariant, variant, titleText, keyPageIdPageText, formTextFields } = props;\r\n const onSubmit = (\r\n data: RequestATrialState,\r\n cb: () => void,\r\n error: (error: string) => void\r\n ) => {\r\n data.OtherInterest = productName.concat(' Visualization');\r\n let requestBody = getDefaultSubmissionBody(data);\r\n requestBody = {\r\n ...requestBody,\r\n variant: getMarketoAPIVariant(variant || '')\r\n };\r\n submitToMarketo(requestBody, cb, error);\r\n };\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestTrialVisualization);\r\n","import React from 'react';\r\nimport { getDefaultformFields } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\nimport SPGVariables from '../../../utilities/spg-variables';\r\nimport APIManager from '../../../utilities/api-manager';\r\nimport { constructCoalitionRATEmail } from '../../../utilities/construct-email';\r\nimport { getText } from '../../../helpers';\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\n\r\nconst formText = getText('pages.requestTrial');\r\nconst spgVariables = SPGVariables();\r\nfunction getMailingList(variant: string): string {\r\n if (variant === 'coalition') {\r\n return spgVariables.COALITIONEMAILLIST;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return '';\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst emailStatusCallback = (hasRequestSuccess: boolean, successCallback: () => void, error: (error: string) => void) => {\r\n if (hasRequestSuccess) {\r\n successCallback();\r\n } else {\r\n error('Caolition request failed');\r\n }\r\n};\r\n\r\nfunction RequestCoalitionTrialEmail(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', productVariant, variant = '', titleText, ratVariant } = props;\r\n const onSubmit = (data: RequestATrialState, cb: () => void, error: (error: string) => void) => {\r\n let notapplicableText = data.InterestArea ? '' : 'Data Management Solutions';\r\n if (productVariant === 'solution') notapplicableText = productName;\r\n data.InterestArea = data.InterestArea ? data.InterestArea.replace(/,/g, ';') : '';\r\n APIManager.sendEmail(\r\n constructCoalitionRATEmail(productName, data),\r\n formText.emailSubject.replace('{productName}', productName),\r\n getMailingList(variant),\r\n (isSuccess: boolean) => {\r\n emailStatusCallback(isSuccess, cb, error);\r\n }\r\n );\r\n };\r\n return ;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestCoalitionTrialEmail);\r\n","import React from 'react';\r\nimport { getDefaultformFields } from '../utilities/form-utilities';\r\nimport SPGVariables from '../../../utilities/spg-variables';\r\nimport APIManager from '../../../utilities/api-manager';\r\nimport { constructRATEmail } from '../../../utilities/construct-email';\r\nimport { getText } from '../../../helpers';\r\n\r\n\r\nconst RequestTrialForm = React.lazy(() => import('../index' /* webpackChunkName: \"request-a-trial-form\" */));\r\n\r\nconst formText = getText('pages.requestTrial');\r\nconst spgVariables = SPGVariables();\r\nfunction getMailingList(variant: string): string {\r\n if (variant === 'mobility') {\r\n return spgVariables.MOBILITYEMAILLIST;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return '';\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst emailStatusCallback = (hasRequestSuccess: boolean, successCallback: () => void, error: (error: string) => void) => {\r\n if (hasRequestSuccess) {\r\n successCallback();\r\n } else {\r\n error('Caolition request failed');\r\n }\r\n};\r\n\r\nfunction RequestCoalitionTrialEmail(props: RequestATrialFormProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', productVariant, variant = '', titleText, ratVariant } = props;\r\n const onSubmit = (data: RequestATrialState, cb: () => void, error: (error: string) => void) => {\r\n APIManager.sendEmail(\r\n constructRATEmail(productName, data),\r\n formText.emailSubject.replace('{productName}', productName),\r\n getMailingList(variant),\r\n (isSuccess: boolean) => {\r\n emailStatusCallback(isSuccess, cb, error);\r\n }\r\n );\r\n };\r\n return ;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestCoalitionTrialEmail);\r\n","import * as React from 'react';\r\nimport { useSelector } from 'react-redux';\r\nimport { get, getConfig } from '../../../helpers';\r\nimport RequestTrialDefault from '../../request-a-trial-form/default-form';\r\nimport RequestTrialPlatts from '../../request-a-trial-form/platts-form';\r\nimport RequestTrialEmail from '../../request-a-trial-form/email-form';\r\nimport RequestTrialCrisil from '../../request-a-trial-form/crisil-form';\r\nimport RequestTrialIHSMarkit from '../../request-a-trial-form/ihs-markit-form';\r\nimport RequestTrialCommunique from '../../request-a-trial-form/communique-form';\r\nimport RequestTrialSwitch from '../../request-a-trial-form/switch-form';\r\nimport RequestTrialVisualization from '../../request-a-trial-form/visualization-form';\r\nimport RequestCoalitionTrialEmail from '../../request-a-trial-form/email-coalition-form';\r\nimport RequestMobilityTrialEmail from '../../request-a-trial-form/email-mobility-form';\r\nimport HelmetManager from '../../_common/helmet-manager';\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction getVariant(productVariant: string, dataProvider: string, productId: string): string {\r\n const productVariantFirstCharUpperCase = () => {\r\n const arr = productVariant.split('');\r\n arr[0] = arr[0].toUpperCase();\r\n return arr.join('');\r\n };\r\n const dataProviderVariant = getConfig(`components.request-a-trial.${productVariant}`).dataProviderVariant as DataProviderVariant[];\r\n const stateConfig: { IdVariant: any[] } = useSelector((state: RootStoreState) => get(state, 'shared.config.data', false))[productVariantFirstCharUpperCase()];\r\n if (stateConfig && productId && stateConfig.IdVariant && stateConfig.IdVariant.some((variant: IdVariant) => variant && variant.Id.includes(productId))) {\r\n return stateConfig.IdVariant.filter((variant: IdVariant) => variant.Id.includes(productId))[0].Variant;\r\n }\r\n if (\r\n dataProvider &&\r\n dataProviderVariant &&\r\n dataProviderVariant.some(variant => variant && variant.dataProvider === dataProvider)\r\n ) {\r\n return dataProviderVariant.filter(variant => variant && variant.dataProvider === dataProvider)[0].variant;\r\n }\r\n if (dataProviderVariant && dataProviderVariant.some(variant => variant && variant.dataProvider === 'default')) {\r\n return dataProviderVariant.filter(variant => variant && variant.dataProvider === 'default')[0].variant;\r\n }\r\n if (productVariant === 'blueprint') {\r\n return 'blueprint';\r\n }\r\n return 'dataset';\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialFormProvider(props: RequestTrialFormProviderProps) {\r\n const { productName = '', productId = '', dataProvider = '', titleText, marketMSADataLink, dataFilePath, marketplaceMSATooltip, ratVariant, metaData } = props;\r\n let variant = '';\r\n const { productVariant = 'dataset' } = props;\r\n variant = getVariant(productVariant, dataProvider.toLowerCase(), productId) || 'dataset';\r\n const getRATform = () => {\r\n if (variant === 'platts') {\r\n return ;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'index' || variant === 'ratings' || variant === 'spglobal' || (variant === 'coalition' && productVariant === 'solution')) {\r\n return ;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'crisil') {\r\n return ;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'ihs-markit') {\r\n return ;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'coalition' && productVariant === 'dataset') {\r\n return ;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'mobility' && productVariant === 'dataset') {\r\n return ;\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'communique') {\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'switch') {\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n }\r\n if (variant === 'visualization') {\r\n return ;\r\n }\r\n return (\r\n \r\n );\r\n };\r\n if (metaData) {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n \r\n {getRATform()}\r\n >\r\n );\r\n }\r\n return <>{getRATform()}>;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(RequestTrialFormProvider);\r\n","import * as React from 'react';\r\nimport { cn, superScriptSanitizer } from '../../../helpers';\r\n\r\nimport './section-title.style.scss';\r\n\r\nconst baseClass = 'section-title';\r\n\r\nconst heading = (\r\n text: string,\r\n icon?: React.ReactChild[] | React.ReactChild | null,\r\n subText?: React.ReactChild[] | React.ReactChild | null,\r\n className?: string,\r\n infoIcon?: React.ReactChild[] | React.ReactChild | null,\r\n) => (\r\n \r\n {icon}\r\n {superScriptSanitizer(text)}\r\n {subText}\r\n {infoIcon}\r\n
\r\n);\r\n\r\nconst sectionTitle = function SectionTitle(props: SectionTitleProps) {\r\n const { hash, text, subText, icon, onClick, className, InfoIcon } = props;\r\n\r\n if (hash) {\r\n return (\r\n \r\n {heading(text, icon, subText, undefined, InfoIcon)}\r\n \r\n );\r\n }\r\n\r\n return heading(text, icon, subText, className ? `${baseClass} ${className}` : baseClass, InfoIcon);\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(sectionTitle);\r\n","/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\r\n\r\nconst countryList = [\r\n { id: 0, text: 'United States', value: 'US' },\r\n { id: 1, text: 'United Kingdom', value: 'GB' },\r\n { id: 999, text: '', disabled: true, value: '' },\r\n { id: 2, text: 'Afghanistan', value: 'AF' },\r\n { id: 3, text: 'Åland Islands', value: 'AX' },\r\n { id: 4, text: 'Albania', value: 'AL' },\r\n { id: 5, text: 'Algeria', value: 'DZ' },\r\n { id: 6, text: 'American Samoa', value: 'AS' },\r\n { id: 7, text: 'Andorra', value: 'AD' },\r\n { id: 8, text: 'Angola', value: 'AI' },\r\n { id: 9, text: 'Anguilla', value: 'AO' },\r\n { id: 10, text: 'Antarctica', value: 'AQ' },\r\n { id: 11, text: 'Antigua & Barbuda', value: 'AG' },\r\n { id: 12, text: 'Argentina', value: 'AR' },\r\n { id: 13, text: 'Armenia', value: 'AM' },\r\n { id: 14, text: 'Aruba', value: 'AW' },\r\n { id: 15, text: 'Australia', value: 'AU' },\r\n { id: 16, text: 'Austria', value: 'AT' },\r\n { id: 17, text: 'Azerbaijan', value: 'AZ' },\r\n { id: 18, text: 'Bahamas', value: 'BS' },\r\n { id: 19, text: 'Bahrain', value: 'BH' },\r\n { id: 20, text: 'Bangladesh', value: 'BD' },\r\n { id: 21, text: 'Barbados', value: 'BB' },\r\n { id: 22, text: 'Belarus', value: 'BY' },\r\n { id: 23, text: 'Belgium', value: 'BE' },\r\n { id: 24, text: 'Belize', value: 'BZ' },\r\n { id: 25, text: 'Benin', value: 'BJ' },\r\n { id: 26, text: 'Bermuda', value: 'BM' },\r\n { id: 27, text: 'Bhutan', value: 'BT' },\r\n { id: 28, text: 'Bolivia', value: 'BO' },\r\n { id: 29, text: 'Bosnia-Herzegovina', value: 'BA' },\r\n { id: 30, text: 'Botswana', value: 'BW' },\r\n { id: 31, text: 'Bouvet Island', value: 'BV' },\r\n { id: 32, text: 'Brazil', value: 'BR' },\r\n { id: 33, text: 'British Indian Ocean Territory', value: 'IO' },\r\n { id: 34, text: 'British Virgin Islands', value: 'VG' },\r\n { id: 35, text: 'Brunei Darussalam', value: 'BN' },\r\n { id: 36, text: 'Bulgaria', value: 'BG' },\r\n { id: 37, text: 'Burkina Faso', value: 'BF' },\r\n { id: 38, text: 'Burundi', value: 'BI' },\r\n { id: 39, text: 'Cambodia', value: 'KH' },\r\n { id: 40, text: 'Cameroon', value: 'CM' },\r\n { id: 41, text: 'Canada', value: 'CA' },\r\n { id: 42, text: 'Cape Verde', value: 'CV' },\r\n { id: 43, text: 'Cayman Islands', value: 'KY' },\r\n { id: 44, text: 'Central African Republic', value: 'CF' },\r\n { id: 45, text: 'Chad', value: 'TD' },\r\n { id: 46, text: 'Chile', value: 'CL' },\r\n { id: 47, text: 'China', value: 'CN' },\r\n { id: 48, text: 'Christmas Island', value: 'CX' },\r\n { id: 49, text: 'Cocos Islands', value: 'CC' },\r\n { id: 50, text: 'Colombia', value: 'CO' },\r\n { id: 51, text: 'Comoros', value: 'KM' },\r\n { id: 52, text: 'Congo', value: 'CG' },\r\n { id: 53, text: 'Cook Islands', value: 'CK' },\r\n { id: 54, text: 'Costa Rica', value: 'CR' },\r\n { id: 55, text: \"Côte d'Ivoire\", value: 'CI' },\r\n { id: 56, text: 'Croatia', value: 'HR' },\r\n { id: 57, text: 'Cuba', value: 'CU' },\r\n { id: 58, text: 'Curaçao', value: 'CW' },\r\n { id: 59, text: 'Cyprus', value: 'CY' },\r\n { id: 60, text: 'Czech Republic', value: 'CZ' },\r\n { id: 61, text: 'Denmark', value: 'DK' },\r\n { id: 62, text: 'Djibouti', value: 'DJ' },\r\n { id: 63, text: 'Dominica', value: 'DM' },\r\n { id: 64, text: 'Dominican Republic', value: 'DO' },\r\n { id: 65, text: 'Ecuador', value: 'EC' },\r\n { id: 66, text: 'Egypt', value: 'EG' },\r\n { id: 67, text: 'El Salvador', value: 'SV' },\r\n { id: 68, text: 'Equatorial Guinea', value: 'GQ' },\r\n { id: 69, text: 'Eritrea', value: 'ER' },\r\n { id: 70, text: 'Estonia', value: 'EE' },\r\n { id: 71, text: 'Ethiopia', value: 'ET' },\r\n { id: 72, text: 'Falkland Islands', value: 'FK' },\r\n { id: 73, text: 'Faroe Islands', value: 'FO' },\r\n { id: 74, text: 'Fiji', value: 'FJ' },\r\n { id: 75, text: 'Finland', value: 'FI' },\r\n { id: 76, text: 'France', value: 'FR' },\r\n { id: 77, text: 'French Guiana', value: 'GF' },\r\n { id: 78, text: 'French Polynesia', value: 'PF' },\r\n { id: 79, text: 'French Southern Territories', value: 'TF' },\r\n { id: 80, text: 'Gabon', value: 'GA' },\r\n { id: 81, text: 'Gambia', value: 'GM' },\r\n { id: 82, text: 'Georgia', value: 'GE' },\r\n { id: 83, text: 'Germany', value: 'DE' },\r\n { id: 84, text: 'Ghana', value: 'GH' },\r\n { id: 85, text: 'Gibraltar', value: 'GI' },\r\n { id: 86, text: 'Greece', value: 'GR' },\r\n { id: 87, text: 'Greenland', value: 'GL' },\r\n { id: 88, text: 'Grenada', value: 'GD' },\r\n { id: 89, text: 'Guadeloupe', value: 'GP' },\r\n { id: 90, text: 'Guam', value: 'GU' },\r\n { id: 91, text: 'Guatemala', value: 'GT' },\r\n { id: 92, text: 'Guernsey', value: 'GG' },\r\n { id: 93, text: 'Guinea', value: 'GN' },\r\n { id: 94, text: 'Guinea-Bissau', value: 'GW' },\r\n { id: 95, text: 'Guyana', value: 'GY' },\r\n { id: 96, text: 'Haiti', value: 'HT' },\r\n { id: 97, text: 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', value: 'HM' },\r\n { id: 98, text: 'Honduras', value: 'HN' },\r\n { id: 99, text: 'Hong Kong', value: 'HK' },\r\n { id: 100, text: 'Hungary', value: 'HU' },\r\n { id: 101, text: 'Iceland', value: 'IS' },\r\n { id: 102, text: 'India', value: 'IN' },\r\n { id: 103, text: 'Indonesia', value: 'ID' },\r\n { id: 104, text: 'Iran', value: 'IR' },\r\n { id: 105, text: 'Iraq', value: 'IQ' },\r\n { id: 106, text: 'Ireland', value: 'IE' },\r\n { id: 107, text: 'Isle of Man', value: 'IM' },\r\n { id: 108, text: 'Israel', value: 'IL' },\r\n { id: 109, text: 'Italy', value: 'IT' },\r\n { id: 110, text: 'Jamaica', value: 'JM' },\r\n { id: 111, text: 'Japan', value: 'JP' },\r\n { id: 112, text: 'Jersey', value: 'JE' },\r\n { id: 113, text: 'Jordan', value: 'JO' },\r\n { id: 114, text: 'Kazakhstan', value: 'KZ' },\r\n { id: 115, text: 'Kenya', value: 'KE' },\r\n { id: 116, text: 'Kiribati', value: 'KI' },\r\n { id: 117, text: 'Kuwait', value: 'KW' },\r\n { id: 118, text: 'Kyrgyzstan', value: 'KG' },\r\n { id: 119, text: 'Laos', value: 'LA' },\r\n { id: 120, text: 'Latvia', value: 'LV' },\r\n { id: 121, text: 'Lebanon', value: 'LB' },\r\n { id: 122, text: 'Lesotho', value: 'LS' },\r\n { id: 123, text: 'Liberia', value: 'LR' },\r\n { id: 124, text: 'Libya', value: 'LY' },\r\n { id: 125, text: 'Liechtenstein', value: 'LI' },\r\n { id: 126, text: 'Lithuania', value: 'LT' },\r\n { id: 127, text: 'Luxembourg', value: 'LU' },\r\n { id: 128, text: 'Macau', value: 'MO' },\r\n { id: 129, text: 'Macedonia', value: 'MK' },\r\n { id: 130, text: 'Madagascar', value: 'MG' },\r\n { id: 131, text: 'Malawi', value: 'MW' },\r\n { id: 132, text: 'Malaysia', value: 'MY' },\r\n { id: 133, text: 'Maldives', value: 'MV' },\r\n { id: 134, text: 'Mali', value: 'ML' },\r\n { id: 135, text: 'Malta', value: 'MT' },\r\n { id: 136, text: 'Marshall Islands', value: 'MH' },\r\n { id: 137, text: 'Martinique', value: 'MQ' },\r\n { id: 138, text: 'Mauritania', value: 'MR' },\r\n { id: 139, text: 'Mauritius', value: 'MU' },\r\n { id: 140, text: 'Mayotte', value: 'YT' },\r\n { id: 141, text: 'Mexico', value: 'MX' },\r\n { id: 142, text: 'Micronesia, Federated States of', value: 'FM' },\r\n { id: 143, text: 'Moldova', value: 'MD' },\r\n { id: 144, text: 'Monaco', value: 'MC' },\r\n { id: 145, text: 'Mongolia', value: 'MN' },\r\n { id: 146, text: 'Montenegro', value: 'ME' },\r\n { id: 147, text: 'Montserrat', value: 'MS' },\r\n { id: 148, text: 'Morocco', value: 'MA' },\r\n { id: 149, text: 'Mozambique', value: 'MZ' },\r\n { id: 150, text: 'Myanmar', value: 'MM' },\r\n { id: 151, text: 'Namibia', value: 'NA' },\r\n { id: 152, text: 'Nauru', value: 'NR' },\r\n { id: 153, text: 'Nepal', value: 'NP' },\r\n { id: 154, text: 'Netherlands', value: 'NL' },\r\n { id: 155, text: 'Netherlands Antilles', value: 'BQ' },\r\n { id: 156, text: 'New Caledonia', value: 'NC' },\r\n { id: 157, text: 'New Zealand', value: 'NZ' },\r\n { id: 158, text: 'Nicaragua', value: 'NI' },\r\n { id: 159, text: 'Niger', value: 'NE' },\r\n { id: 160, text: 'Nigeria', value: 'NG' },\r\n { id: 161, text: 'Niue', value: 'NU' },\r\n { id: 162, text: 'Norfolk Island', value: 'NF' },\r\n { id: 163, text: 'North Korea', value: 'KP' },\r\n { id: 164, text: 'Northern Mariana Islands', value: 'MP' },\r\n { id: 165, text: 'Norway', value: 'NO' },\r\n { id: 166, text: 'Oman', value: 'OM' },\r\n { id: 167, text: 'Pakistan', value: 'PK' },\r\n { id: 168, text: 'Palau', value: 'PW' },\r\n { id: 169, text: 'Palestinian Authority', value: 'PS' },\r\n { id: 170, text: 'Panama', value: 'PA' },\r\n { id: 171, text: 'Papua New Guinea', value: 'PG' },\r\n { id: 172, text: 'Paraguay', value: 'PY' },\r\n { id: 173, text: 'Peru', value: 'PE' },\r\n { id: 174, text: 'Philippines', value: 'PH' },\r\n { id: 175, text: 'Pitcairn', value: 'PN' },\r\n { id: 176, text: 'Poland', value: 'PL' },\r\n { id: 177, text: 'Portugal', value: 'PT' },\r\n { id: 178, text: 'Puerto Rico', value: 'PR' },\r\n { id: 179, text: 'Qatar', value: 'QA' },\r\n { id: 180, text: 'Republic of the Congo', value: 'CG' },\r\n { id: 181, text: 'Reunion', value: 'RE' },\r\n { id: 182, text: 'Romania', value: 'RO' },\r\n { id: 183, text: 'Russia', value: 'RU' },\r\n { id: 184, text: 'Rwanda', value: 'RW' },\r\n { id: 185, text: 'Saint Barthélemy', value: 'BL' },\r\n { id: 186, text: 'Saint Helena', value: 'SH' },\r\n { id: 187, text: 'Saint Kitts & Nevis', value: 'KN' },\r\n { id: 188, text: 'Saint Lucia', value: 'LC' },\r\n { id: 189, text: 'Saint Martin', value: 'MF' },\r\n { id: 190, text: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', value: 'PM' },\r\n { id: 191, text: 'Saint Vincent & Grenadines', value: 'VC' },\r\n { id: 192, text: 'Samoa', value: 'WS' },\r\n { id: 193, text: 'San Marino', value: 'SM' },\r\n { id: 194, text: 'Sao Tome and Principe', value: 'ST' },\r\n { id: 195, text: 'Saudi Arabia', value: 'SA' },\r\n { id: 196, text: 'Senegal', value: 'SN' },\r\n { id: 197, text: 'Serbia', value: 'RS' },\r\n { id: 198, text: 'Seychelles', value: 'SC' },\r\n { id: 199, text: 'Sierra Leone', value: 'SL' },\r\n { id: 200, text: 'Singapore', value: 'SG' },\r\n { id: 201, text: 'Slovakia', value: 'SK' },\r\n { id: 202, text: 'Slovenia', value: 'SI' },\r\n { id: 203, text: 'Solomon Islands', value: 'SB' },\r\n { id: 204, text: 'Somalia', value: 'SO' },\r\n { id: 205, text: 'South Africa', value: 'ZA' },\r\n { id: 206, text: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', value: 'GS' },\r\n { id: 207, text: 'South Korea', value: 'KR' },\r\n { id: 208, text: 'Spain', value: 'ES' },\r\n { id: 209, text: 'Sri Lanka', value: 'LK' },\r\n { id: 210, text: 'Sudan', value: 'SD' },\r\n { id: 211, text: 'Suriname', value: 'SR' },\r\n { id: 212, text: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', value: 'SJ' },\r\n { id: 213, text: 'Swaziland', value: 'SZ' },\r\n { id: 214, text: 'Sweden', value: 'SE' },\r\n { id: 215, text: 'Switzerland', value: 'CH' },\r\n { id: 216, text: 'Syria', value: 'SY' },\r\n { id: 217, text: 'Taiwan', value: 'TW' },\r\n { id: 218, text: 'Tajikistan', value: 'TJ' },\r\n { id: 219, text: 'Tanzania', value: 'TZ' },\r\n { id: 220, text: 'Thailand', value: 'TH' },\r\n { id: 221, text: 'Timor-Leste', value: 'TL' },\r\n { id: 222, text: 'Togo', value: 'TG' },\r\n { id: 223, text: 'Tonga', value: 'TO' },\r\n { id: 224, text: 'Trinidad & Tobago', value: 'TT' },\r\n { id: 225, text: 'Tunisia', value: 'TN' },\r\n { id: 226, text: 'Turkey', value: 'TR' },\r\n { id: 227, text: 'Turkmenistan', value: 'TM' },\r\n { id: 228, text: 'Turks & Caicos Islands', value: 'TC' },\r\n { id: 229, text: 'Tuvalu', value: 'TV' },\r\n { id: 230, text: 'Uganda', value: 'UG' },\r\n { id: 231, text: 'Ukraine', value: 'UA' },\r\n { id: 232, text: 'United Arab Emirates', value: 'AE' },\r\n { id: 233, text: 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', value: 'UM' },\r\n { id: 234, text: 'Uruguay', value: 'UY' },\r\n { id: 235, text: 'Uzbekistan', value: 'UZ' },\r\n { id: 236, text: 'Vanuatu', value: 'VU' },\r\n { id: 237, text: 'Vatican City', value: 'VA' },\r\n { id: 238, text: 'Venezuela', value: 'VE' },\r\n { id: 239, text: 'Vietnam', value: 'VN' },\r\n { id: 240, text: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', value: 'VI' },\r\n { id: 241, text: 'Wallis and Futuna', value: 'WF' },\r\n { id: 242, text: 'Western Sahara', value: 'EH' },\r\n { id: 243, text: 'Yemen', value: 'YE' },\r\n { id: 244, text: 'Zambia', value: 'ZM' },\r\n { id: 245, text: 'Zimbabwe', value: 'ZW' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst optInList = [\r\n 'Åland Islands',\r\n 'Albania',\r\n 'Andorra',\r\n 'Angola',\r\n 'Anguilla',\r\n 'Antarctica',\r\n 'Antigua & Barbuda',\r\n 'Argentina',\r\n 'Armenia',\r\n 'Aruba',\r\n 'Australia',\r\n 'Austria',\r\n 'Azerbaijan',\r\n 'Bahamas',\r\n 'Bahrain',\r\n 'Bangladesh',\r\n 'Barbados',\r\n 'Belarus',\r\n 'Belgium',\r\n 'Belize',\r\n 'Benin',\r\n 'Bermuda',\r\n 'Bhutan',\r\n 'Bosnia-Herzegovina',\r\n 'Botswana',\r\n 'Bouvet Island',\r\n 'Brazil',\r\n 'British Indian Ocean Territory',\r\n 'British Virgin Islands',\r\n 'Bulgaria',\r\n 'Burkina Faso',\r\n 'Burundi',\r\n 'Cambodia',\r\n 'Cameroon',\r\n 'Canada',\r\n 'Cape Verde',\r\n 'Cayman Islands',\r\n 'Central African Republic',\r\n 'Chad',\r\n 'Chile',\r\n 'China',\r\n 'Christmas Island',\r\n 'Cocos Islands',\r\n 'Colombia',\r\n 'Comoros',\r\n 'Congo',\r\n 'Cook Islands',\r\n 'Costa Rica',\r\n \"Côte d'Ivoire\",\r\n 'Croatia',\r\n 'Curaçao',\r\n 'Cyprus',\r\n 'Czech Republic',\r\n 'Denmark',\r\n 'Denmark',\r\n 'Djibouti',\r\n 'Dominica',\r\n 'Dominican Republic',\r\n 'Ecuador',\r\n 'El Salvador',\r\n 'Eritrea',\r\n 'Estonia',\r\n 'Ethiopia',\r\n 'Falkland Islands',\r\n 'Faroe Islands',\r\n 'Fiji',\r\n 'Finland',\r\n 'France',\r\n 'French Guiana',\r\n 'French Polynesia',\r\n 'French Southern Territories',\r\n 'Gambia',\r\n 'Georgia',\r\n 'Germany',\r\n 'Germany',\r\n 'Ghana',\r\n 'Gibraltar',\r\n 'Greece',\r\n 'Greenland',\r\n 'Grenada',\r\n 'Guadeloupe',\r\n 'Guatemala',\r\n 'Guernsey',\r\n 'Guinea',\r\n 'Guinea-Bissau',\r\n 'Guyana',\r\n 'Haiti',\r\n 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands',\r\n 'Honduras',\r\n 'Hong Kong',\r\n 'Hungary',\r\n 'Iceland',\r\n 'India',\r\n 'Indonesia',\r\n 'Iraq',\r\n 'Ireland',\r\n 'Isle of Man',\r\n 'Israel',\r\n 'Italy',\r\n 'Jamaica',\r\n 'Japan',\r\n 'Jersey',\r\n 'Jordan',\r\n 'Kazakhstan',\r\n 'Kenya',\r\n 'Kiribati',\r\n 'Kuwait',\r\n 'Kyrgyzstan',\r\n 'Laos',\r\n 'Latvia',\r\n 'Lebanon',\r\n 'Lesotho',\r\n 'Liberia',\r\n 'Liechtenstein',\r\n 'Lithuania',\r\n 'Luxembourg',\r\n 'Macau',\r\n 'Macedonia',\r\n 'Madagascar',\r\n 'Malawi',\r\n 'Malaysia',\r\n 'Maldives',\r\n 'Mali',\r\n 'Malta',\r\n 'Marshall Islands',\r\n 'Martinique',\r\n 'Mauritania',\r\n 'Mauritius',\r\n 'Mayotte',\r\n 'Mexico',\r\n 'Micronesia, Federated States of',\r\n 'Moldova',\r\n 'Monaco',\r\n 'Mongolia',\r\n 'Montenegro',\r\n 'Montserrat',\r\n 'Morocco',\r\n 'Mozambique',\r\n 'Myanmar',\r\n 'Namibia',\r\n 'Nauru',\r\n 'Nepal',\r\n 'Netherlands',\r\n 'Netherlands Antilles',\r\n 'New Caledonia',\r\n 'New Zealand',\r\n 'Nicaragua',\r\n 'Niger',\r\n 'Niue',\r\n 'Norfolk Island',\r\n 'Northern Mariana Islands',\r\n 'Norway',\r\n 'Oman',\r\n 'Pakistan',\r\n 'Palau',\r\n 'Palestinian Authority',\r\n 'Panama',\r\n 'Paraguay',\r\n 'Peru',\r\n 'Philippines',\r\n 'Pitcairn',\r\n 'Poland',\r\n 'Portugal',\r\n 'Qatar',\r\n 'Republic of the Congo',\r\n 'Reunion',\r\n 'Romania',\r\n 'Russia',\r\n 'Rwanda',\r\n 'Saint Barthélemy',\r\n 'Saint Helena',\r\n 'Saint Kitts & Nevis',\r\n 'Saint Lucia',\r\n 'Saint Martin',\r\n 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',\r\n 'Saint Vincent & Grenadines',\r\n 'Samoa',\r\n 'San Marino',\r\n 'Sao Tome and Principe',\r\n 'Saudi Arabia',\r\n 'Senegal',\r\n 'Serbia',\r\n 'Seychelles',\r\n 'Sierra Leone',\r\n 'Singapore',\r\n 'Slovakia',\r\n 'Slovenia',\r\n 'Solomon Islands',\r\n 'Somalia',\r\n 'South Africa',\r\n 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',\r\n 'South Korea',\r\n 'Spain',\r\n 'Sri Lanka',\r\n 'Sudan',\r\n 'Suriname',\r\n 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',\r\n 'Swaziland',\r\n 'Sweden',\r\n 'Switzerland',\r\n 'Tajikistan',\r\n 'Tanzania',\r\n 'Timor-Leste',\r\n 'Togo',\r\n 'Tonga',\r\n 'Trinidad & Tobago',\r\n 'Tunisia',\r\n 'Turkey',\r\n 'Turkmenistan',\r\n 'Turks & Caicos Islands',\r\n 'Tuvalu',\r\n 'Uganda',\r\n 'Ukraine',\r\n 'United Arab Emirates',\r\n 'United Kingdom',\r\n 'Uruguay',\r\n 'Uzbekistan',\r\n 'Vanuatu',\r\n 'Vatican City',\r\n 'Venezuela',\r\n 'Vietnam',\r\n 'Wallis and Futuna',\r\n 'Western Sahara',\r\n 'Zambia',\r\n 'Zimbabwe'\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst usStates = [\r\n { id: 'AK', text: 'AK' },\r\n { id: 'AL', text: 'AL' },\r\n { id: 'AR', text: 'AR' },\r\n { id: 'AZ', text: 'AZ' },\r\n { id: 'CA', text: 'CA' },\r\n { id: 'CO', text: 'CO' },\r\n { id: 'CT', text: 'CT' },\r\n { id: 'DC', text: 'DC' },\r\n { id: 'DE', text: 'DE' },\r\n { id: 'FL', text: 'FL' },\r\n { id: 'GA', text: 'GA' },\r\n { id: 'GU', text: 'GU' },\r\n { id: 'HI', text: 'HI' },\r\n { id: 'IA', text: 'IA' },\r\n { id: 'ID', text: 'ID' },\r\n { id: 'IL', text: 'IL' },\r\n { id: 'IN', text: 'IN' },\r\n { id: 'KS', text: 'KS' },\r\n { id: 'KY', text: 'KY' },\r\n { id: 'LA', text: 'LA' },\r\n { id: 'MA', text: 'MA' },\r\n { id: 'MD', text: 'MD' },\r\n { id: 'ME', text: 'ME' },\r\n { id: 'MI', text: 'MI' },\r\n { id: 'MN', text: 'MN' },\r\n { id: 'MO', text: 'MO' },\r\n { id: 'MS', text: 'MS' },\r\n { id: 'MT', text: 'MT' },\r\n { id: 'NC', text: 'NC' },\r\n { id: 'ND', text: 'ND' },\r\n { id: 'NE', text: 'NE' },\r\n { id: 'NH', text: 'NH' },\r\n { id: 'NJ', text: 'NJ' },\r\n { id: 'NM', text: 'NM' },\r\n { id: 'NV', text: 'NV' },\r\n { id: 'NY', text: 'NY' },\r\n { id: 'OH', text: 'OH' },\r\n { id: 'OK', text: 'OK' },\r\n { id: 'OR', text: 'OR' },\r\n { id: 'PA', text: 'PA' },\r\n { id: 'PR', text: 'PR' },\r\n { id: 'PW', text: 'PW' },\r\n { id: 'RI', text: 'RI' },\r\n { id: 'SC', text: 'SC' },\r\n { id: 'SD', text: 'SD' },\r\n { id: 'TN', text: 'TN' },\r\n { id: 'TX', text: 'TX' },\r\n { id: 'UT', text: 'UT' },\r\n { id: 'VA', text: 'VA' },\r\n { id: 'VT', text: 'VT' },\r\n { id: 'WA', text: 'WA' },\r\n { id: 'WI', text: 'WI' },\r\n { id: 'WV', text: 'WV' },\r\n { id: 'WY', text: 'WY' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst ausProv = [\r\n { id: 'ACT', text: 'ACT' },\r\n { id: 'NSW', text: 'NSW' },\r\n { id: 'NT', text: 'NT' },\r\n { id: 'QLD', text: 'QLD' },\r\n { id: 'SA', text: 'SA' },\r\n { id: 'TAS', text: 'TAS' },\r\n { id: 'VIC', text: 'VIC' },\r\n { id: 'WA', text: 'WA' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst canProv = [\r\n { id: 'AB', text: 'AB' },\r\n { id: 'BC', text: 'BC' },\r\n { id: 'MB', text: 'MB' },\r\n { id: 'NB', text: 'NB' },\r\n { id: 'NL', text: 'NL' },\r\n { id: 'NS', text: 'NS' },\r\n { id: 'NU', text: 'NU' },\r\n { id: 'ON', text: 'ON' },\r\n { id: 'PE', text: 'PE' },\r\n { id: 'QC', text: 'QC' },\r\n { id: 'SK', text: 'SK' },\r\n { id: 'VI', text: 'VI' },\r\n { id: 'YT', text: 'YT' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst chinaProv = [\r\n { id: 'Anhui', text: 'Anhui' },\r\n { id: 'Beijing', text: 'Beijing' },\r\n { id: 'Chongqing', text: 'Chongqing' },\r\n { id: 'Fujian', text: 'Fujian' },\r\n { id: 'Gansu', text: 'Gansu' },\r\n { id: 'Guangdong', text: 'Guangdong' },\r\n { id: 'Guangxi', text: 'Guangxi' },\r\n { id: 'Guizhou', text: 'Guizhou' },\r\n { id: 'Hainan', text: 'Hainan' },\r\n { id: 'Hebei', text: 'Hebei' },\r\n { id: 'Heilongjiang', text: 'Heilongjiang' },\r\n { id: 'Henan', text: 'Henan' },\r\n { id: 'Hubei', text: 'Hubei' },\r\n { id: 'Hunan', text: 'Hunan' },\r\n { id: 'Inner Mongolia', text: 'Inner Mongolia' },\r\n { id: 'Jiangsu', text: 'Jiangsu' },\r\n { id: 'Jiangxi', text: 'Jiangxi' },\r\n { id: 'Jilin', text: 'Jilin' },\r\n { id: 'Liaoning', text: 'Liaoning' },\r\n { id: 'Ningxia', text: 'Ningxia' },\r\n { id: 'Qinghai', text: 'Qinghai' },\r\n { id: 'Shaanxi', text: 'Shaanxi' },\r\n { id: 'Shandong', text: 'Shandong' },\r\n { id: 'Shanghai', text: 'Shanghai' },\r\n { id: 'Shanxi', text: 'Shanxi' },\r\n { id: 'Sichuan', text: 'Sichuan' },\r\n { id: 'Tianjin', text: 'Tianjin' },\r\n { id: 'Tibet', text: 'Tibet' },\r\n { id: 'Xinjiang', text: 'Xinjiang' },\r\n { id: 'Yunnan', text: 'Yunnan' },\r\n { id: 'Zhejiang', text: 'Zhejiang' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst companyTypeList = [\r\n { id: 0, text: 'Academia' },\r\n { id: 1, text: 'Asset Manager' },\r\n { id: 2, text: 'Asset Owner' },\r\n { id: 3, text: 'Auditors/Accounting' },\r\n { id: 4, text: 'Automobiles and Components' },\r\n { id: 5, text: 'Capital Goods' },\r\n { id: 6, text: 'Commercial Bank' },\r\n { id: 7, text: 'Commercial Services and Supplies' },\r\n { id: 8, text: 'Consumer Durables and Apparel' },\r\n { id: 9, text: 'Consumer Services' },\r\n { id: 10, text: 'Credit Union' },\r\n { id: 11, text: 'Food and Staples Retailing' },\r\n { id: 12, text: 'Food, Beverage and Tobacco' },\r\n { id: 13, text: 'Government Entity/Regulatory Agency' },\r\n { id: 14, text: 'Healthcare Equipment and Services' },\r\n { id: 15, text: 'Hedge Fund' },\r\n { id: 16, text: 'Household and Personal Products' },\r\n { id: 17, text: 'Individual' },\r\n { id: 18, text: 'Information Provider' },\r\n { id: 19, text: 'Insurance' },\r\n { id: 20, text: 'Investment Bank' },\r\n { id: 21, text: 'Law Firm' },\r\n { id: 22, text: 'Materials' },\r\n { id: 23, text: 'Media/Telecom' },\r\n { id: 24, text: 'Metals/Mining' },\r\n { id: 25, text: 'Oil and Gas' },\r\n { id: 27, text: 'Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Life Sciences' },\r\n { id: 28, text: 'Power' },\r\n { id: 29, text: 'Private Equity' },\r\n { id: 30, text: 'Public Relations/Investor Relations Firm' },\r\n { id: 31, text: 'Real Estate' },\r\n { id: 33, text: 'Recruiter/Headhunter' },\r\n { id: 34, text: 'Retailing' },\r\n { id: 35, text: 'Strategy/Business Consulting' },\r\n { id: 36, text: 'Technology' },\r\n { id: 37, text: 'Trade Association' },\r\n { id: 38, text: 'Trading Companies and Distributors' },\r\n { id: 39, text: 'Transportation' },\r\n { id: 40, text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\n\r\nconst InvestmentBank = [\r\n { id: '200', text: 'Capital Markets (IBD)' },\r\n { id: '201', text: 'Compliance' },\r\n { id: '202', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '203', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '204', text: 'Equity Analyst' },\r\n { id: '205', text: 'Fixed Income Analyst' },\r\n { id: '206', text: 'Industry/Sector Coverage (IBD)' },\r\n { id: '207', text: 'M&A' },\r\n { id: '208', text: 'Market Data/Business Information' },\r\n { id: '209', text: 'Prime Services' },\r\n { id: '2010', text: 'Research ' },\r\n { id: '2011', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '2012', text: 'Sales & Trading' },\r\n { id: '2013', text: 'Technology' },\r\n { id: '2014', text: 'Treasury' },\r\n { id: '2015', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst PrivateEquity = [\r\n { id: '290', text: 'Analyst/Associate' },\r\n { id: '291', text: 'Partner/Principal' },\r\n { id: '292', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '293', text: 'Market Data' },\r\n { id: '294', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst CommercialBank = [\r\n { id: '60', text: 'Audit/Accounting' },\r\n { id: '61', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '62', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '63', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '64', text: 'Credit Risk Modeler' },\r\n { id: '65', text: 'Economist' },\r\n { id: '66', text: 'Finance Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '67', text: 'Loan Originator' },\r\n { id: '68', text: 'Portfolio Manager' },\r\n { id: '69', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '610', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '611', text: 'Sales/Marketing/PR' },\r\n { id: '612', text: 'Treasury' },\r\n { id: '613', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst CreditUnion = [\r\n { id: '100', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '101', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '102', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '103', text: 'Loan Originator' },\r\n { id: '104', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '105', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '106', text: 'Sales/Marketing/PR' },\r\n { id: '107', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Insurance = [\r\n { id: '190', text: 'Actuary' },\r\n { id: '191', text: 'Broker' },\r\n { id: '192', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '193', text: 'Corporate Finance' },\r\n { id: '194', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '195', text: 'D&O Underwriter' },\r\n { id: '196', text: 'Insurance Underwriter' },\r\n { id: '197', text: 'Political Risk Underwriter' },\r\n { id: '198', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '199', text: 'Reinsurance Broker/Intermediary' },\r\n { id: '1910', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '1911', text: 'Surety Underwriter' },\r\n { id: '1912', text: 'Trade Credit/Risk Underwriter' },\r\n { id: '1913', text: 'Treasury' },\r\n { id: '1914', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst AssetManager = [\r\n { id: '11', text: 'Asset Services' },\r\n { id: '12', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '13', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '14', text: 'Economist' },\r\n { id: '15', text: 'Equity Analyst' },\r\n { id: '16', text: 'Finance Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '17', text: 'Financial Advisor/Planner' },\r\n { id: '18', text: 'Fixed Income Analyst' },\r\n { id: '19', text: 'Investment Strategist' },\r\n { id: '110', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '111', text: 'Market Data' },\r\n { id: '112', text: 'Portfolio Manager' },\r\n { id: '113', text: 'Private Banker' },\r\n { id: '114', text: 'Quant' },\r\n { id: '115', text: 'Quantitative Analyst' },\r\n { id: '116', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '117', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '118', text: 'Technology' },\r\n { id: '119', text: 'Treasury' },\r\n { id: '120', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst AssetOwner = [\r\n { id: '21', text: 'Asset Services' },\r\n { id: '22', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '23', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '24', text: 'Economist' },\r\n { id: '25', text: 'Equity Analyst' },\r\n { id: '26', text: 'Finance Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '27', text: 'Financial Advisor/Planner' },\r\n { id: '28', text: 'Fixed Income Analyst' },\r\n { id: '29', text: 'Investment Strategist' },\r\n { id: '210', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '211', text: 'Market Data' },\r\n { id: '212', text: 'Portfolio Manager' },\r\n { id: '213', text: 'Private Banker' },\r\n { id: '214', text: 'Quant' },\r\n { id: '215', text: 'Quantitative Analyst' },\r\n { id: '216', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '217', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '218', text: 'Technology' },\r\n { id: '219', text: 'Treasury' },\r\n { id: '220', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst HedgeFund = [\r\n { id: '151', text: 'Asset Services' },\r\n { id: '152', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '153', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '154', text: 'Economist' },\r\n { id: '155', text: 'Equity Analyst' },\r\n { id: '156', text: 'Finance Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '157', text: 'Financial Advisor/Planner' },\r\n { id: '158', text: 'Fixed Income Analyst' },\r\n { id: '159', text: 'Investment Strategist' },\r\n { id: '1510', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '1511', text: 'Market Data' },\r\n { id: '1512', text: 'Portfolio Manager' },\r\n { id: '1513', text: 'Private Banker' },\r\n { id: '1514', text: 'Quant' },\r\n { id: '1515', text: 'Quantitative Analyst' },\r\n { id: '1516', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '1517', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '1518', text: 'Technology' },\r\n { id: '1519', text: 'Treasury' },\r\n { id: '1520', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst InformationProvider = [\r\n { id: '180', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '181', text: 'Commodities Pricing' },\r\n { id: '182', text: 'Data Governance' },\r\n { id: '183', text: 'Engineer' },\r\n { id: '184', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '185', text: 'Legal Affairs' },\r\n { id: '186', text: 'Market Data' },\r\n { id: '187', text: 'Operations' },\r\n { id: '188', text: 'Redistribution' },\r\n { id: '189', text: 'Reference Data' },\r\n { id: '1810', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '1811', text: 'Sales/Marketing/PR' },\r\n { id: '1812', text: 'Technology' },\r\n { id: '1813', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst AutomobilesAndComponents = [\r\n { id: '40', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '41', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '42', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '43', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '44', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '45', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '46', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '47', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '48', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '49', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '410', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '411', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '412', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '413', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Transportation = [\r\n { id: '390', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '391', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '392', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '393', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '3939', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '395', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '396', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '397', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '398', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '399', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '3910', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '3911', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '3912', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '3913', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst TradingComapaniesAndDistributors = [\r\n { id: '380', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '381', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '382', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '383', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '3838', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '385', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '386', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '387', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '388', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '389', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '3810', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '3811', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '3812', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '3813', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Technology = [\r\n { id: '360', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '361', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '362', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '363', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '3636', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '365', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '366', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '367', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '368', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '369', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '3610', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '3611', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '3612', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '3613', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Retailing = [\r\n { id: '340', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '341', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '342', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '343', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '344', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '345', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '346', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '347', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '348', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '349', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '3410', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '3411', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '3412', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '3413', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Metals = [\r\n { id: '240', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '241', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '242', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '243', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '244', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '245', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '246', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '247', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '248', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '249', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '2410', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '2411', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '2412', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '2413', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Materials = [\r\n { id: '220', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '221', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '222', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '223', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '224', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '225', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '226', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '227', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '228', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '229', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '2210', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '2211', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '2212', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '2213', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\n\r\nconst RealEstate = [\r\n { id: '310', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '311', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '312', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '313', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '314', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '315', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '316', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '317', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '318', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '319', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '3110', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '3111', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '3112', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '3113', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst CapitalGoods = [\r\n { id: '50', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '51', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '52', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '53', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '54', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '55', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '56', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '57', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '58', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '59', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '510', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '511', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '512', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '513', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst CommercialServicesAndSupplies = [\r\n { id: '70', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '71', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '72', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '73', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '74', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '75', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '76', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '77', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '78', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '79', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '710', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '711', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '712', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '713', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerServices = [\r\n { id: '90', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '91', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '92', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '93', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '94', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '95', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '96', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '97', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '98', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '99', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '910', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '911', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '912', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '913', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst ConsumerDurablesAndApparel = [\r\n { id: '80', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '81', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '82', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '83', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '84', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '85', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '86', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '87', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '88', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '89', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '810', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '811', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '812', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '813', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst FoodAndStaplesRetailing = [\r\n { id: '1110', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '1111', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '1112', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '1113', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '1114', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '1115', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '1116', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '1117', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '1118', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '1119', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '11110', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '11111', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '11112', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '11113', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst FoodBeverageAndTobacco = [\r\n { id: '5550', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '5551', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '5552', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '5553', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '5554', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '5555', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '5556', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '5557', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '5558', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '5559', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '55510', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '55511', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '55512', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '55513', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst HouseholdAndPersonalProducts = [\r\n { id: '160', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '161', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '162', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '163', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '164', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '165', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '166', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '167', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '168', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '169', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '1610', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '1611', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '1612', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '1613', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst HealthcareEquipmentAndServices = [\r\n { id: '140', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '141', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '142', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '143', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '144', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '145', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '146', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '147', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '148', text: 'Healthcare Professional' },\r\n { id: '149', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '1410', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '1411', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '1412', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '1413', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '1414', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst PharmaceuticalsBiotechnologyAndLifeSciences = [\r\n { id: '270', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '271', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '272', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '273', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '274', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '275', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '276', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '277', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '278', text: 'Healthcare Professional' },\r\n { id: '279', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '2710', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '2711', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '2712', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '2713', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '2714', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Media = [\r\n { id: '230', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '231', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '232', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '233', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '234', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '235', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '236', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '237', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '238', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '239', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '2310', text: 'Reporter/Journalist/Editor' },\r\n { id: '2311', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '2312', text: 'Sales/Marketing/PR' },\r\n { id: '2313', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '2314', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '2315', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst OilGas = [\r\n { id: '250', text: 'Board Member/Trustee' },\r\n { id: '251', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '252', text: 'Competitive Intelligence' },\r\n { id: '253', text: 'Corporate Development' },\r\n { id: '254', text: 'Credit Analyst' },\r\n { id: '255', text: 'Credit Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '256', text: 'Executive Management' },\r\n { id: '257', text: 'Finance/Planning' },\r\n { id: '258', text: 'Fuels Admin' },\r\n { id: '259', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '2510', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '2511', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '2512', text: 'Supply Chain Management' },\r\n { id: '2513', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '2514', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst AuditorsAccounting = [\r\n { id: '30', text: 'Audit/Accounting' },\r\n { id: '31', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '32', text: 'Management Consulting' },\r\n { id: '33', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '34', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '35', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst LawFirm = [\r\n { id: '530', text: 'Attorney/Partner' },\r\n { id: '531', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '532', text: 'Conflict Resolution' },\r\n { id: '533', text: 'Librarian' },\r\n { id: '534', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '535', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '536', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst PublicRelationsInvestorRelations = [\r\n { id: '3000', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '3001', text: 'Investor Relations' },\r\n { id: '3002', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst RecruiterHeadhunter = [\r\n { id: '330', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '331', text: 'HR Professional' },\r\n { id: '332', text: 'Recruiting' },\r\n { id: '333', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst StrategyBusinessConsulting = [\r\n { id: '350', text: 'Advisory' },\r\n { id: '351', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '352', text: 'Management Consulting' },\r\n { id: '353', text: 'Risk Manager/Officer' },\r\n { id: '354', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst TradeAssociation = [\r\n { id: '370', text: 'Business Development/Relationship Management' },\r\n { id: '371', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Academia = [\r\n { id: '0', text: 'Faculty' },\r\n { id: '1', text: 'Librarian' },\r\n { id: '2', text: 'PhD Student' },\r\n { id: '3', text: 'Undergrad and MBA Student' },\r\n { id: '4', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst GovernmentEntityRegulatory = [\r\n { id: '130', text: 'Government Official' },\r\n { id: '131', text: 'Regulatory Affairs' },\r\n { id: '132', text: 'Treasury & Tax' },\r\n { id: '133', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Individual = [\r\n { id: '170', text: 'Individual Investor' },\r\n { id: '171', text: 'PhD Student' },\r\n { id: '172', text: 'Undergrad and MBA Student' },\r\n { id: '173', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nconst Other = [\r\n { id: '40', text: 'Individual Investor' },\r\n { id: '41', text: 'PhD Student' },\r\n { id: '42', text: 'Undergrad and MBA Student' },\r\n { id: '43', text: 'Other' }\r\n];\r\n\r\nexport {\r\n countryList,\r\n optInList,\r\n usStates,\r\n ausProv,\r\n canProv,\r\n chinaProv,\r\n companyTypeList,\r\n InvestmentBank,\r\n PrivateEquity,\r\n CommercialBank,\r\n CreditUnion,\r\n Insurance,\r\n AssetManager,\r\n InformationProvider,\r\n AutomobilesAndComponents,\r\n HealthcareEquipmentAndServices,\r\n Media,\r\n OilGas,\r\n AuditorsAccounting,\r\n LawFirm,\r\n PublicRelationsInvestorRelations,\r\n RecruiterHeadhunter,\r\n StrategyBusinessConsulting,\r\n TradeAssociation,\r\n Academia,\r\n GovernmentEntityRegulatory,\r\n Individual,\r\n AssetOwner,\r\n HedgeFund,\r\n CapitalGoods,\r\n CommercialServicesAndSupplies,\r\n ConsumerDurablesAndApparel,\r\n ConsumerServices,\r\n FoodAndStaplesRetailing,\r\n FoodBeverageAndTobacco,\r\n HouseholdAndPersonalProducts,\r\n Other,\r\n PharmaceuticalsBiotechnologyAndLifeSciences,\r\n RealEstate,\r\n Metals,\r\n Materials,\r\n Retailing,\r\n Technology,\r\n TradingComapaniesAndDistributors,\r\n Transportation\r\n};\r\n","import zenscroll from 'zenscroll';\r\n\r\nconst duration = 500;\r\n\r\nconst offset = 100;\r\n\r\nzenscroll.setup(duration, 0);\r\n\r\nfunction getTargetY(targetElement: HTMLElement) {\r\n return zenscroll.getTopOf(targetElement) || 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getAdditionalOffset(targetElement: HTMLElement) {\r\n return parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(targetElement, null).getPropertyValue('padding-top') || '0');\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst focusLink = (targetElement: HTMLElement | null) => {\r\n if (!targetElement) return;\r\n const link = targetElement.querySelector('a');\r\n if (!link) return;\r\n link.focus();\r\n};\r\n\r\n// Use to smooth scroll to anchor on same page\r\nconst smoothScroll = (hash: string, event?: React.SyntheticEvent | MouseEvent) => {\r\n if (event) event.preventDefault();\r\n if (!hash || !hash.length) return;\r\n if (hash === '#!') return;\r\n let targetElement = 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vDuration);\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst smoothScrollToTop = (vDuration = duration, vOffset = 0) => {\r\n const targetElement = document.body as HTMLElement;\r\n const targetY = getTargetY(targetElement);\r\n const additionalOffset = getAdditionalOffset(targetElement);\r\n zenscroll.toY(targetY + additionalOffset - vOffset, vDuration);\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport { smoothScroll as default, smoothScrollToCenter, focusLink, smoothScrollToElement, smoothScrollToTop };\r\n","function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\nimport React from \"react\";\nvar _ref2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n fillRule: \"evenodd\",\n clipRule: \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M9.32856 2.08347C9.22019 2.0489 9.10271 2.05695 9.00006 2.10597C8.94919 2.12952 8.90406 2.16385 8.8678 2.20659C8.83154 2.24933 8.80501 2.29945 8.79006 2.35347L8.43306 3.72897C8.30835 4.20969 8.12708 4.67393 7.89306 5.11197C7.52931 5.79222 6.97956 6.31497 6.46956 6.75447L5.39106 7.68447C5.30856 7.75564 5.24412 7.84537 5.20305 7.94628C5.16198 8.0472 5.14545 8.15642 5.15481 8.26497L5.76381 15.3097C5.77862 15.4808 5.85698 15.6402 5.98345 15.7564C6.10992 15.8726 6.27532 15.9372 6.44706 15.9375H9.93381C12.2858 15.9375 14.2681 14.301 14.6483 12.1027L15.1771 9.04272C15.1942 8.94411 15.1896 8.84294 15.1636 8.74629C15.1375 8.64964 15.0907 8.55985 15.0263 8.48319C14.962 8.40654 14.8816 8.34487 14.7909 8.30252C14.7003 8.26016 14.6014 8.23813 14.5013 8.23797H10.6156C9.88281 8.23797 9.32556 7.58097 9.44406 6.85797L9.94131 3.82497C10.0094 3.40954 9.99001 2.98446 9.88431 2.57697C9.85448 2.4691 9.79786 2.37052 9.7197 2.2904C9.64155 2.21028 9.54441 2.15122 9.43731 2.11872L9.32856 2.08347ZM8.51106 1.09272C8.87376 0.918236 9.28957 0.889513 9.67281 1.01247L9.78156 1.04772C10.3643 1.23522 10.8188 1.70022 10.9733 2.29422C11.1181 2.85372 11.1451 3.43722 11.0513 4.00722L10.5541 7.04022C10.5525 7.04917 10.553 7.05834 10.5554 7.0671C10.5577 7.07585 10.562 7.08398 10.5679 7.09091C10.5737 7.09784 10.581 7.10341 10.5893 7.10722C10.5975 7.11103 10.6065 7.11299 10.6156 7.11297H14.5006C15.6256 7.11297 16.4776 8.12697 16.2856 9.23472L15.7568 12.2947C15.2783 15.0607 12.8033 17.0625 9.93381 17.0625H6.44706C5.99375 17.0621 5.55706 16.8918 5.22314 16.5853C4.88922 16.2787 4.68233 15.8581 4.64331 15.4065L4.03356 8.36172C4.00877 8.07563 4.05228 7.78773 4.1605 7.52174C4.26873 7.25574 4.43857 7.01925 4.65606 6.83172L5.73606 5.90172C6.22731 5.47872 6.64056 5.06847 6.90006 4.58172C7.09274 4.22225 7.24179 3.84105 7.34406 3.44622L7.70106 2.07147C7.75689 1.85929 7.85827 1.66182 7.99816 1.4928C8.13804 1.32377 8.31306 1.18725 8.51106 1.09272ZM2.22606 7.11372C2.371 7.10739 2.51279 7.1573 2.6218 7.25303C2.73082 7.34877 2.79862 7.48292 2.81106 7.62747L3.53856 16.0545C3.55088 16.18 3.5375 16.3067 3.49922 16.4268C3.46094 16.5469 3.39857 16.658 3.31592 16.7532C3.23327 16.8485 3.13207 16.9259 3.01851 16.9807C2.90495 17.0355 2.78141 17.0666 2.65543 17.072C2.52946 17.0775 2.40369 17.0572 2.28581 17.0124C2.16794 16.9677 2.06042 16.8993 1.96984 16.8116C1.87926 16.7239 1.80751 16.6186 1.75898 16.5022C1.71044 16.3859 1.68614 16.2608 1.68756 16.1347V7.67547C1.68743 7.53036 1.74338 7.3908 1.84374 7.28598C1.94409 7.18115 2.08107 7.11991 2.22606 7.11372Z\",\n fill: \"#737676\"\n});\nvar SvgThumbUp = function SvgThumbUp(_ref) {\n var svgRef = _ref.svgRef,\n props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, [\"svgRef\"]);\n return React.createElement(\"svg\", _extends({\n width: 18,\n height: 18,\n viewBox: \"0 0 18 18\",\n fill: \"none\",\n ref: svgRef\n }, props), _ref2);\n};\nvar ForwardRef = React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) {\n return React.createElement(SvgThumbUp, _extends({\n svgRef: ref\n }, props));\n});\nexport default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/thumb-up.52af78c6.svg\";\nexport { ForwardRef as ReactComponent };","function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\nimport React from \"react\";\nvar _ref2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n fillRule: \"evenodd\",\n clipRule: \"evenodd\",\n d: \"M8.67144 15.9165C8.77981 15.9511 8.89729 15.9431 8.99994 15.894C9.05081 15.8705 9.09594 15.8361 9.1322 15.7934C9.16846 15.7507 9.19499 15.7005 9.20994 15.6465L9.56694 14.271C9.69165 13.7903 9.87292 13.3261 10.1069 12.888C10.4707 12.2078 11.0204 11.685 11.5304 11.2455L12.6089 10.3155C12.6914 10.2444 12.7559 10.1546 12.7969 10.0537C12.838 9.9528 12.8546 9.84358 12.8452 9.73503L12.2362 2.69028C12.2214 2.51918 12.143 2.35983 12.0166 2.24363C11.8901 2.12744 11.7247 2.06283 11.5529 2.06253H8.06619C5.71419 2.06253 3.73194 3.69903 3.35169 5.89728L2.82294 8.95728C2.80578 9.05589 2.81038 9.15706 2.83642 9.25371C2.86245 9.35036 2.90929 9.44015 2.97366 9.51681C3.03802 9.59346 3.11836 9.65513 3.20905 9.69748C3.29974 9.73984 3.3986 9.76187 3.49869 9.76203H7.38444C8.11719 9.76203 8.67444 10.419 8.55594 11.142L8.05869 14.175C7.99057 14.5905 8.00999 15.0155 8.11569 15.423C8.14552 15.5309 8.20214 15.6295 8.2803 15.7096C8.35845 15.7897 8.45559 15.8488 8.56269 15.8813L8.67144 15.9165ZM9.48894 16.9073C9.12624 17.0818 8.71043 17.1105 8.32719 16.9875L8.21844 16.9523C7.63569 16.7648 7.18119 16.2998 7.02669 15.7058C6.88194 15.1463 6.85494 14.5628 6.94869 13.9928L7.44594 10.9598C7.44747 10.9508 7.44703 10.9417 7.44464 10.9329C7.44225 10.9241 7.43798 10.916 7.43212 10.9091C7.42626 10.9022 7.41896 10.8966 7.41072 10.8928C7.40249 10.889 7.39352 10.887 7.38444 10.887H3.49944C2.37444 10.887 1.52244 9.87303 1.71444 8.76528L2.24319 5.70528C2.72169 2.93928 5.19669 0.937527 8.06619 0.937527H11.5529C12.0062 0.937908 12.4429 1.10818 12.7769 1.41475C13.1108 1.72132 13.3177 2.14191 13.3567 2.59353L13.9664 9.63828C13.9912 9.92437 13.9477 10.2123 13.8395 10.4783C13.7313 10.7443 13.5614 10.9808 13.3439 11.1683L12.2639 12.0983C11.7727 12.5213 11.3594 12.9315 11.0999 13.4183C10.9073 13.7778 10.7582 14.159 10.6559 14.5538L10.2989 15.9285C10.2431 16.1407 10.1417 16.3382 10.0018 16.5072C9.86196 16.6762 9.68694 16.8128 9.48894 16.9073ZM15.7739 10.8863C15.629 10.8926 15.4872 10.8427 15.3782 10.747C15.2692 10.6512 15.2014 10.5171 15.1889 10.3725L14.4614 1.94553C14.4491 1.82004 14.4625 1.69335 14.5008 1.57321C14.5391 1.45306 14.6014 1.34198 14.6841 1.24675C14.7667 1.15152 14.8679 1.07414 14.9815 1.01933C15.095 0.964521 15.2186 0.933437 15.3446 0.927975C15.4705 0.922514 15.5963 0.942789 15.7142 0.987564C15.8321 1.03234 15.9396 1.10067 16.0302 1.18839C16.1207 1.27611 16.1925 1.38138 16.241 1.49776C16.2896 1.61414 16.3139 1.73919 16.3124 1.86528V10.3245C16.3126 10.4696 16.2566 10.6092 16.1563 10.714C16.0559 10.8189 15.9189 10.8801 15.7739 10.8863Z\",\n fill: \"#737676\"\n});\nvar SvgThumbDown = function SvgThumbDown(_ref) {\n var svgRef = _ref.svgRef,\n props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, [\"svgRef\"]);\n return React.createElement(\"svg\", _extends({\n width: 18,\n height: 18,\n viewBox: \"0 0 18 18\",\n fill: \"none\",\n ref: svgRef\n }, props), _ref2);\n};\nvar ForwardRef = React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) {\n return React.createElement(SvgThumbDown, _extends({\n svgRef: ref\n }, props));\n});\nexport default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/thumb-down.fc60ae80.svg\";\nexport { ForwardRef as ReactComponent };","function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\nimport React from \"react\";\nvar _ref2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n d: \"M9.67281 1.01247C9.28957 0.889513 8.87376 0.918236 8.51106 1.09272C8.31306 1.18725 8.13804 1.32377 7.99816 1.4928C7.85827 1.66182 7.75689 1.85929 7.70106 2.07147L7.34406 3.44622C7.24179 3.84105 7.09274 4.22225 6.90006 4.58172C6.64056 5.06847 6.22731 5.47872 5.73606 5.90172L4.65606 6.83172C4.43857 7.01925 4.26873 7.25574 4.1605 7.52174C4.05228 7.78773 4.00877 8.07563 4.03356 8.36172L4.64331 15.4065C4.68233 15.8581 4.88922 16.2787 5.22314 16.5853C5.55706 16.8918 5.99375 17.0621 6.44706 17.0625H9.93381C12.8033 17.0625 15.2783 15.0607 15.7568 12.2947L16.2856 9.23472C16.4776 8.12697 15.6256 7.11297 14.5006 7.11297H10.6156C10.6065 7.11299 10.5975 7.11103 10.5893 7.10722C10.581 7.10341 10.5737 7.09784 10.5679 7.09091C10.562 7.08398 10.5577 7.07585 10.5554 7.0671C10.553 7.05834 10.5525 7.04917 10.5541 7.04022L11.0513 4.00722C11.1451 3.43722 11.1181 2.85372 10.9733 2.29422C10.8188 1.70022 10.3643 1.23522 9.78156 1.04772L9.67281 1.01247Z\",\n fill: \"#737676\"\n});\nvar _ref3 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n d: \"M2.6218 7.25303C2.51279 7.1573 2.371 7.10739 2.22606 7.11372C2.08107 7.11991 1.94409 7.18115 1.84374 7.28598C1.74338 7.3908 1.68743 7.53035 1.68756 7.67547V16.1347C1.68614 16.2608 1.71044 16.3859 1.75898 16.5022C1.80751 16.6186 1.87926 16.7239 1.96984 16.8116C2.06042 16.8993 2.16794 16.9677 2.28581 17.0124C2.40369 17.0572 2.52946 17.0775 2.65543 17.072C2.78141 17.0666 2.90495 17.0355 3.01851 16.9807C3.13207 16.9259 3.23327 16.8485 3.31592 16.7532C3.39857 16.658 3.46094 16.5469 3.49922 16.4268C3.5375 16.3066 3.55088 16.18 3.53856 16.0545L2.81106 7.62747C2.79862 7.48292 2.73082 7.34877 2.6218 7.25303Z\",\n fill: \"#737676\"\n});\nvar SvgThumbUpFilled = function SvgThumbUpFilled(_ref) {\n var svgRef = _ref.svgRef,\n props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, [\"svgRef\"]);\n return React.createElement(\"svg\", _extends({\n width: 18,\n height: 18,\n viewBox: \"0 0 18 18\",\n fill: \"none\",\n ref: svgRef\n }, props), _ref2, _ref3);\n};\nvar ForwardRef = React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) {\n return React.createElement(SvgThumbUpFilled, _extends({\n svgRef: ref\n }, props));\n});\nexport default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/thumb-up-filled.9b13145f.svg\";\nexport { ForwardRef as ReactComponent };","import * as React from 'react';\r\nimport CustomLink from '../custom-link';\r\nimport { cn } from '../../../helpers';\r\n\r\nexport default function LinkList(props: LinkListProps) {\r\n const { list, maxLength, className, useIcons = true } = props;\r\n const items = maxLength ? list.slice(0, maxLength) : list;\r\n return (\r\n \r\n {items.map((link: LinkListItem) => (\r\n - \r\n {link.type === 'emailAddress' ? (\r\n \r\n ) : ()}\r\n {link.additionalInfo &&
}\r\n \r\n ))}\r\n
\r\n );\r\n}\r\n","import * as React from 'react';\r\nimport Accordion from '../accordion';\r\nimport LinkList from '../link-list';\r\nimport { cn } from '../../../helpers';\r\n\r\nexport default function LinkListGroup(props: LinkListGroupProps) {\r\n const { list, className, useIcons = true, isAccordion, title } = props;\r\n\r\n if (isAccordion) {\r\n return (\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n }\r\n\r\n return (\r\n \r\n {title}
\r\n \r\n \r\n );\r\n}\r\n","function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\nimport React from \"react\";\nvar _ref2 = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(\"path\", {\n d: \"M1 0V55L9 45.6383L17 55V0\",\n stroke: \"#8C8C8C\"\n});\nvar SvgBookmarkBlueprint = function SvgBookmarkBlueprint(_ref) {\n var svgRef = _ref.svgRef,\n props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, [\"svgRef\"]);\n return React.createElement(\"svg\", _extends({\n width: 18,\n height: 57,\n viewBox: \"0 0 18 57\",\n fill: \"none\",\n ref: svgRef\n }, props), _ref2);\n};\nvar ForwardRef = React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) {\n return React.createElement(SvgBookmarkBlueprint, _extends({\n svgRef: ref\n }, props));\n});\nexport default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/bookmark-blueprint.2f160234.svg\";\nexport { ForwardRef as ReactComponent };","import * as React from 'react';\r\nimport Tooltip from '@material-ui/core/Tooltip';\r\nimport { createStyles, Theme, makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';\r\nimport Media from 'react-media';\r\nimport { getText, getConfig, debounce, cn } from '../../../helpers';\r\nimport { ReactComponent as BookmarkIcon } from '../../../assets/svg/icons/bookmark.svg';\r\nimport { ReactComponent as LongBookmarkIcon } from '../../../assets/svg/icons/bookmark-blueprint.svg';\r\n\r\nconst Window = window as AnonymousObject;\r\nWindow.dataLayer = Window.dataLayer || [];\r\n\r\nconst useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) => {\r\n return createStyles({\r\n tooltip: {\r\n backgroundColor: '#fff',\r\n color: 'black',\r\n maxWidth: theme.typography.pxToRem(450),\r\n fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(14),\r\n border: '1px solid #ccc',\r\n fontFamily: 'Akk Pro, Arial, sans-serif'\r\n }\r\n });\r\n});\r\n\r\nconst debounceDuration = getConfig('components.typeaheadThrottleDuration');\r\n\r\nfunction Bookmark(props: BookmarkProps & BookmarkActions & BookmarkContainerProps) {\r\n const { keyId, isLoggedIn, name, bookmarkTooltip, isDataBookmarked, bookmarkType, updateUserPreference, longBookmarkIcon } = props;\r\n const [openTooltip, setOpenTooltip] = React.useState(false);\r\n const [isBookmarked, setBookmarked] = React.useState(false);\r\n const [disablePointerEvents, setDisablePointerEvents] = React.useState(false);\r\n const bookmarkRef = React.useRef(null);\r\n\r\n React.useEffect(() => {\r\n setBookmarked(isDataBookmarked);\r\n }, [isDataBookmarked]);\r\n\r\n const notLoggedInTitle = getText('bookmark.tooltip.notLoggedIn');\r\n let bookmarkTitle = notLoggedInTitle;\r\n let bookmarkTitleMobile = notLoggedInTitle;\r\n if (isLoggedIn) {\r\n const bookmarkDesktop = bookmarkTooltip && bookmarkTooltip.find(item => item.deviceType === 'desktop');\r\n const bookmarkMobile = bookmarkTooltip && bookmarkTooltip.find(item => item.deviceType === 'mobile');\r\n bookmarkTitle = bookmarkDesktop && (isBookmarked ? bookmarkDesktop.bookmarked : bookmarkDesktop.notBookmarked);\r\n bookmarkTitleMobile = bookmarkMobile && (isBookmarked ? bookmarkMobile.notBookmarked : bookmarkMobile.bookmarked);\r\n }\r\n const handleTooltipOpen = () => {\r\n setOpenTooltip(true);\r\n };\r\n\r\n const handleTooltipClose = debounce(() => {\r\n setOpenTooltip(false);\r\n }, debounceDuration);\r\n\r\n const handleLeave = () => {\r\n setDisablePointerEvents(false);\r\n };\r\n\r\n function SwitchBookmark() {\r\n if (isLoggedIn) {\r\n let bookmarkAction = '';\r\n let gaBookmarkAction = '';\r\n if (isDataBookmarked) {\r\n bookmarkAction = 'remove';\r\n gaBookmarkAction = 'removed';\r\n } else {\r\n bookmarkAction = 'add';\r\n gaBookmarkAction = 'added';\r\n }\r\n if (isDataBookmarked && bookmarkRef.current) {\r\n bookmarkRef.current.blur();\r\n document.body.focus();\r\n setDisablePointerEvents(true);\r\n }\r\n setBookmarked(!isDataBookmarked);\r\n const bookmarkparams: BookmarkParams = {\r\n action: bookmarkAction,\r\n type: bookmarkType,\r\n bookmark: { keyId, name: bookmarkType === 'queries' ? name : '', created: new Date() },\r\n onSuccess: () => {\r\n Window.dataLayer.push({\r\n event: 'formSubmit',\r\n submitSuccess: 'true',\r\n formType: 'bookmark',\r\n bookmarkStatus: gaBookmarkAction,\r\n additionalDetails: `${bookmarkType} bookmark ${gaBookmarkAction}: ${keyId}`\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n updateUserPreference(bookmarkparams);\r\n }\r\n handleTooltipOpen();\r\n handleTooltipClose();\r\n }\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {longBookmarkIcon ? (\r\n e.key === 'Enter' && SwitchBookmark()} />\r\n ) : (\r\n e.key === 'Enter' && SwitchBookmark()} />\r\n )}\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {longBookmarkIcon ? (\r\n e.key === 'Enter' && SwitchBookmark()}\r\n />\r\n ) : (\r\n e.key === 'Enter' && SwitchBookmark()}\r\n />\r\n )}\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n >\r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(Bookmark);\r\n","import { connect } from 'react-redux';\r\nimport { ThunkDispatch } from 'redux-thunk';\r\nimport { AnyAction } from 'redux';\r\nimport { updateUserPreference } from '../../../redux/user/user.actions';\r\nimport { get, debounce, getConfig } from '../../../helpers';\r\nimport Bookmark from './bookmark';\r\n\r\nconst debounceDuration = getConfig('components.bookmarkThrottleDuration');\r\n\r\nlet allBookmarks: BookmarkParams[] = [];\r\n\r\nconst debounceFunc = debounce(dispatch => {\r\n const localBookmarkQueue = Object.create(allBookmarks);\r\n dispatch(updateUserPreference.action(localBookmarkQueue)).then(allBookmarks = allBookmarks.filter(el => {\r\n return localBookmarkQueue.indexOf(el) < 0;\r\n }));\r\n}, debounceDuration);\r\n\r\nconst mapStateToProps = (state: RootStoreState, ownProps: BookmarkProps): BookmarkProps & BookmarkContainerProps => {\r\n const { keyId, bookmarkType } = ownProps;\r\n const bookmarkPreference = get(state.user, 'bookmarkPreference', { bookMarks: { datasets: [], solutions: [], queries: [], blueprints: [] } });\r\n const { bookMarks } = bookmarkPreference;\r\n\r\n let isBookmarked = false;\r\n if (bookMarks) {\r\n if (bookmarkType === 'solutions') {\r\n isBookmarked = bookMarks.solutions && bookMarks.solutions.some(x => x.keyId === keyId);\r\n } else if (bookmarkType === 'blueprints') {\r\n isBookmarked = bookMarks.blueprints && bookMarks.blueprints.some(x => x.keyId === keyId);\r\n } else if (bookmarkType === 'queries') {\r\n isBookmarked = bookMarks.queries && bookMarks.queries.some(x => x.keyId.toString() === keyId.toString());\r\n } else {\r\n isBookmarked = bookMarks.datasets && bookMarks.datasets.some(x => x.keyId.toString() === keyId.toString());\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return { ...ownProps, isDataBookmarked: isBookmarked };\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: ThunkDispatch<{ isLoggedIn: boolean }, {}, AnyAction>): BookmarkActions => ({\r\n updateUserPreference: async (params: BookmarkParams) => {\r\n allBookmarks.push(params);\r\n debounceFunc(dispatch);\r\n }\r\n});\r\n\r\nexport default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Bookmark);\r\n","import * as React from 'react';\r\nimport CustomLink from '../custom-link';\r\nimport HtmlContent from '../html-content';\r\n\r\nfunction Note({ title, noteParagraph, linkText, linkHref }: NoteProps) {\r\n return (\r\n \r\n {title &&
\r\n \r\n {linkText && linkHref && }\r\n
\r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default React.memo(Note);\r\n","import * as React from 'react';\r\nimport { useSelector } from 'react-redux';\r\nimport Button from '../_common/button';\r\nimport Modal from '../_common/modal';\r\nimport { cn, get, getConfig, getText } from '../../helpers';\r\nimport keyPages from '../../utilities/key-pages';\r\nimport RequestTrialFormProvider from '../_providers/rat-form-provider/rat-form-provider';\r\n\r\nfunction getVariant(productVariant: string, productId: string): string {\r\n const productVariantFirstCharUpperCase = () => {\r\n const arr = productVariant.split('');\r\n arr[0] = arr[0].toUpperCase();\r\n return arr.join('');\r\n };\r\n const config: { IdVariant: any[] } = useSelector((state: RootStoreState) => get(state, 'shared.config.data', false))[productVariantFirstCharUpperCase()];\r\n if (config && productId && config.IdVariant && config.IdVariant.some((variant: IdVariant) => variant && variant.Id.includes(productId))) {\r\n return config.IdVariant.filter((variant: IdVariant) => variant.Id.includes(productId))[0].Variant;\r\n }\r\n return productVariant;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst defaultVariantDataset = {\r\n buttonText: getText('generic.requestTrial'),\r\n buttonTitle: getText('generic.tryOutThisDataset')\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst defaultVariantSolution = {\r\n buttonText: getText('generic.requestMoreInformation'),\r\n buttonTitle: getText('generic.tryOutThisSolution')\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst defaultVariantBlueprint = {\r\n buttonText: getText('generic.requestMoreInformation'),\r\n buttonTitle: getText('generic.tryOutThisBlueprint')\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst defaultVariantQRSolution = {\r\n buttonText: getText('generic.requestMoreInformation'),\r\n buttonTitle: getText('generic.qrSolutionRequestMoreInformation')\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst defaultVariantCommuniqueSolution = {\r\n buttonText: getText('generic.requestMoreInformation'),\r\n buttonTitle: getText('generic.qrSolutionRequestMoreInformation')\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst buttonVariants: RequestATrialButtonText = {\r\n solution: defaultVariantSolution,\r\n blueprint: defaultVariantBlueprint,\r\n default: defaultVariantDataset,\r\n qrsolution: defaultVariantQRSolution,\r\n communique: defaultVariantCommuniqueSolution\r\n};\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction getKeyPageId(productVariant: string): keyPages {\r\n if (productVariant === 'solution') {\r\n return keyPages.solutionRATForm;\r\n }\r\n return keyPages.datasetRATForm;\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction RequestTrialButton(props: RequestTrialButtonProps) {\r\n const [modalIsOpen, setModalOpen] = React.useState(false);\r\n const { productVariant, productId = '', className, productName = '', isXLButton, dataProvider, buttonText, marketMSADataLink, dataFilePath, marketplaceMSATooltip, metaData } = props;\r\n const headerVariant = getVariant(productVariant, productId);\r\n const customText = buttonVariants[headerVariant] || buttonVariants[productVariant] || buttonVariants.default;\r\n // console.log('rat_button:metaData:', metaData);\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n