S&P Global Swiss Climate Scores Template

The Swiss Climate Scores was developed by the Swiss Envoy for Sustainable Finance in association with representatives of the Swiss financial industry and NGOs. Our solution provides a comprehensive and streamlined Swiss Climate Scores Template using our datasets including:

  • Trucost Paris Alignment
  • Trucost Environmental
  • S&P Global ESG Scores

The Swiss Climate Scores is a voluntary sustainability framework for financial institutions including asset managers, banks, and insurance companies with both institutional and private clients. The template can be used to evaluate investments' alignment to Paris Alignment and Net-Zero objectives, with benchmarks for transparency and comparability to understand climate-alignment.

Service Provider Information

At S&P Global Sustainable1, we serve as the central source for sustainability intelligence from S&P Global. Sustainable1 matches customers with the ESG products, insights and solutions from across S&P Global's divisions to help meet their unique needs. Our comprehensive coverage across global markets combined with in-depth ESG intelligence provides financial institutions, corporations and governments an unmatched level of clarity to navigate the transition to a sustainable future.

Key Information

Use Cases

This solution enables users to input identifiers for portfolios and benchmarks to automatically pull data from our Environmental, Paris Alignment and ESG Scores datasets, and get a comprehensive assessment for companies and portfolios based on GHG Emissions, Net-Zero Commitments, Exposure to Fossil Fuel Activities and Renewable Energy, Credible Climate Stewardship, Global Warming Potential and Climate Investment Objectives, in accordance with the Swiss Climate Scores indicators.


The S&P Solution helps you:

  • Streamline reporting for the Swiss Climate Scores
  • Easily track portfolios and benchmarks against Paris Alignment goals and Net-Zero Commitments
  • Tap into S&P Sustainable1's robust ESG data and coverage of over 20,000 companies to meet reporting needs
