S&P Global ESG Raw Data

The S&P Global ESG Raw Data package provides access to granular sustainability-related data points collected as part of the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) process from public and additional disclosures. The data package combines company disclosures checked against reliable public sources, media and stakeholder analysis, and in-depth company engagement.

Providing up to 1,000 data points per company per methodology year across 13,000 companies, the S&P Global ESG Raw Data package offers enhanced transparency on corporate sustainability performance enabling market participants to access high-quality, granular information to support their decision-making and reporting.

Key features of this dataset include:

  • Raw data: Up to 1,000 datapoints per company per methodology year based on CSA questionnaire responses, including data additional to public reporting
  • Question level scores: Up to 130 question level scores and weights, Year-On-Year change; and Industry Performance – Maximum Score, Average Scores
  • Historical data: Raw data from 2020, question level scores from 2013
  • Coverage universe of approximately 13,000 companies
  • Easy linking to other S&P Global Market Intelligence identifiers and data packages

S&P Global ESG Raw Data is regularly reviewed and updated in accordance with the relevant S&P Global Sustainable1 data quality practices.

Vendor information

At S&P Global Sustainable1, we serve as the central source for sustainability intelligence from S&P Global. Sustainable1 matches customers with the ESG products, insights and solutions from across S&P Global's divisions to help meet their unique needs. Our comprehensive coverage across global markets combined with in-depth ESG intelligence provides financial institutions, corporations and governments an unmatched level of clarity to navigate the transition to a sustainable future.
  • Primary Entity TypeCompany
  • Coverage Count13,000+
  • Geographic CoverageGlobal
  • Industry CoverageConsumer, Energy and Utilities, Financials, Healthcare, Industrials, Materials, Real Estate, Technology, Media & Telecommunications
  • History Initiated2013
  • Earliest Significant Coverage2013
  • Point In TimeYes
  • Data SourceNon-public data directly submitted by companies, Annual Report, Sustainability/CSR Report, Company Websites, Regulatory Filings & News
  • Field Count10s
  • Delivery ChannelAPI, Cloud, Desktop, Feed
  • Delivery PlatformMarketplace Workbench, Snowflake, XpressAPI, Xpressfeed™
  • Reporting FrequencyDaily
  • Dataset LatencyDaily
  • Dataset Size (GB)21.9

Sample Data

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