Key Developments

The Key Developments dataset provides structured summaries of material news and events that may impact the market value of securities. With deep history back to 2003, clients can leverage this dataset to derive signals and support trading models across asset classes, trading styles and frequencies. This dataset also helps in research & analysis, risk management & compliance, and trade surveillance workflows.

Some of the key features of the Key Developments dataset include:

  • Collection of 2,000+ key developments daily
  • PIT data with intraday delivery
  • Event types that include dividends, M&A, buybacks, public offerings, management changes, debt defaults, dividend cancellations, regulatory agency inquiries and more
  • Dataset collection from over 20,000 news sources
  • Extensive coverage for public and private companies worldwide

Vendor information

At S&P Global Market Intelligence, we understand the importance of accurate, deep and insightful information. Our team of experts delivers unrivaled insights and leading data and technology solutions, partnering with customers to expand their perspective, operate with confidence, and make decisions with conviction.
  • Primary Entity TypeCompany
  • Geographic CoverageGlobal
  • Industry CoverageConsumer, Energy and Utilities, Financials, Healthcare, Industrials, Materials, Real Estate, Technology, Media & Telecommunications
  • History Initiated2001
  • Earliest Significant Coverage2003
  • Point In TimeYes
  • Point In Time DetailsPoint in Time history starting April 14, 2018 onwards
  • Data SourceRegulatory filings and documents from news vendors
  • Field Count10s
  • Delivery ChannelAPI, Cloud, Desktop, Feed
  • Delivery PlatformAPI, ClariFI®, Marketplace Workbench, S&P Capital IQ, S&P Capital IQ Pro, Snowflake, Xpressfeed™
  • Reporting FrequencyIntraday
  • Dataset LatencyIntraday
  • Dataset Size (GB)29

Sample Data

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