Banking Liquidity Assessment

Banking Liquidity Assessment provides an in-depth collection of regulatory financials for banks across the U.S., layering in Transactions data like mergers and acquisitions (M&A) to assess the health of banks and the sector as a whole.

Combine SNL Financial Institutions Regulatory data with Transactions and Company Relationships data to develop a better understanding of the U.S. banking landscape. Use this workflow to analyze balance sheets for liquidity and solvency, while also staying informed about significant events in the banking industry to stay ahead of the curve.

This Blueprint includes:

  • SNL Financial Institutions Regulatory Data: Financial statements filed to FDIC, FFIEC and NCUA for 40,000+ bank, credit union, and financial service companies.
  • Transactions: Provides the entire lifecycle of primary and secondary market business transactions, across public offerings, private placements, mergers & acquisitions, buybacks/repurchases, corporate restructuring, bankruptcies, spin-offs, and split-offs.
  • Company Relationships: A global database of over 11 million company relationships that exist between companies in the S&P Global universe. Relationship types include acquisitions, investments, investment arms, lenders, affiliates, index providers, and more.
  • Business Entity Cross Reference Service (BECRS): Timely and accurate data mapping to systematically update and maintain multifaceted relationships within a corporate hierarchy.
  • S&P Global Marketplace Workbench: A web-based notebook environment that allows you to perform data analysis and build models using collaborative notebooks that support multiple languages, built-in data visualizations, and automatic versioning.

Service Provider Information

At S&P Global Market Intelligence, we understand the importance of accurate, deep and insightful information. Our team of experts delivers unrivaled insights and leading data and technology solutions, partnering with customers to expand their perspective, operate with confidence, and make decisions with conviction.
